Chapter 45

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Clary's pov..

"Clary!!!"a voice sreeched.

"Jesus."I replied falling off my bed with a loud thud. Ofcourse it had to be Nicole screaming.

"Sorry are you okay?"she asked.

"No as you can see I fell just because it's prom. And if a murderer comes for you at night dont expect me to save you."I replied loking at her.

"Shit don't have to be so rude about it."she replied looking at me.

"Really? I am not a morning person and nobody likes being screamed at when theyre freaking sleeping."I said getting into my bed.

"Get up it's nine in the morning."she replied pulling off my blankets.

"Do that again and you wont have a hand to do your make up with. And plus I don't get up until ten thirty ish."I replied covering myself up and throwing things at her to get out. Then I got up and locked the door.

"That was nice."Blake replied.

"I know but hey that will teach you a lesson to never wake me up ever."I replied.

"True. Now let's go back to sleep."he replied wraping an arm around me.

When we woke up he had to hear Nicole go on and on and on about how prom was going to be like. I was annoyed I tied her hands together and taped her mouth and sat her in a chair.

"Was that really necassery?"Lui replied pointing towards nicole. I looked at her.

"Yes."I replied and turned on the tv. When 2:35 rolled around I walked towards Nicole and took off the tape and untied her hands.

"That will teach you to calm the fuck down next time. See this is why we also never went to prom . Stupid prom fever."I replied going to my room.

"Okay i'm done."I replied putting on my stupid high heels that of course Nicole made me wear. Well she did make everyone wear them. I was going to wear my black convers but no it's prom. After the endless hours of getting ready I was done along with Arlynne, Haleigh and Gaby. And Nicole was still getting ready.

"All the guys are probably already done and you are not. Jeez someone kill me now."I replied jumping on my bed.

"Hey your gonna mess up your hair and dress."Nicole replied turning around.

"Gosh calm down."I replied sitting down.

"Okay I'm done."Nicole replied putting on her shoes.

"Finally."I replied opening the door. I walked down the stairs and the back of someone that was leaning on the staircase turned around. When I finally saw who it was my heart stoped well metaphorically. I stood there and he smiled. That made me wanna just crawl into a hole.

"Umm I-I gotta go."I replied pushing him out of the way.

"Clary."Blake yelled out. I ran to the garden I have which is in the back of my house and it's more dead than alive but I mean I still keep it around.

"Hey."he replied pulling my arm and just like that I was facing him. I looked anywhere but his face. He kept trying to make me look at him. But I just doged his face. He finally stoped and thats when I looked at him.

"What's wrong?"he asked. Great the one time I would want him not to show any emotion he does. He has worry written all over his face. Great now I felt bad.

"I felt sick like I was going to throw up so I ran. But as you can see I did not throw up."I replied looking at the ground.

"You sure?"he asked.

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