Chapter 6

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As I looked down at her I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She watched me and hesitated a little. When I looked back at her she just stared back but she looked confused or scared. My eyes dropped down and looked at her pink lips. Holy shit I sound like a fucken girl. I stared at her lips and looked back at her face. Her expression softened but it had confusion and amusement written on it. I smiled at that. As he still laid on top of her he touched her cheek and she swallowed hard. He held her cheek with his right hand and looked into her eyes just when he was leaning in a voice called out.

“Munchkin Blake you out there?”Lui called out. Blake dropped his hand onto the ground and sighed. He dropped his head on her shoulder.

“Yeah brownie were over here.”Clary called out. As she answered Blake got off her and held out his hand. She gladly took it.

“Hey munchkin you disappeared we were worried well not as much as Blake though. He was yelling and asking questions. Literally going ncis on my girlfriend.”Lui replied with a smug smile on his face as he turned to a pissed of blake.

“Yeah sorry about that brownie we were just heading over there did you um see Drew yet?”Clary asked looking at Lui but then at Blake who seemed to be thinking.

“Oh yeah did he um mention the last parts. As in last year.”Clary asked but that last part more quietly to her friend who seemed aware of the situation.

“Yeah he did and about that we need to um discuss thing’s but we can do that later with haleigh. Right now we should go before my lovely girlfriend decapitates me.”Lui said not amused at the last part.

“Ha yeah you're right we should go. Um lets go Blake.”Clary replied.

“Yeah lets go.”He responded.

“Ok.”Clary said slowly.

“Umm Clary sorry about what happened earlier.”Blake replied sheepishly.

“It’s alright I you didn’t mean to do it and I know you won’t um let it happen again or whatever. I know it was an accident..right?”Clary asked.

sorry it's short some of the chaoters will be short.

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