Chapter 12

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Clary's Pov..

As I walked out of class I could feel Blake’s eyes staring at the back of my head. I felt like they were drilling holes in my head but that only made me walk faster.

“Shit.” I muttered and sighed as I leaned against my locker.                    

 “And here I was thinking we were gonna have fun ditching school babe.”Drew commented.

“Not in the fucken mood Drew.”I said closing my eyes.

“Sorry babe.”Drew said sitting next to me on the floor.

“No i’m sorry Drew I shouldn’t snap at you. You having been putting up with me you don’t deserve shit right now. Especially from me.”I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

“It’s alright and I like putting up with you babe so no need to thank me.”He said as I smiled to myself.

“Thanks and take it I want you to at least once.”I replied.

“Fine babe you're welcome. And what are you waiting for let’s go ditch school. It’s been too long like almost 2 months without skipping school. That’s insane”Drew exclaimed overly dramatic and I laughed. And he smirked.

“See I knew I could make you laugh.”Drew said shaking his head while chuckling.           

 “Yeah yeah whatever Drew. Wait let me get something from my bag that we need before exiting this shitty school.”As I finished I looked for mine and Drew’s sun glasses.

“Here Drew.”I said extending my arm out to him.

“Thanks babe.”He said as we both put them on in slow motion like they do in the stupid movies and let go when we pushed open the door’s. I smiled to myself this is exactly what I needed. I looked over and found my idiot friend smirking to himself.

“Your welcome by the way you jerk.”I said smiling. But I quickly realized I had said Blake’s nickname. Drew must have noticed because his smile faded and was replaced with concern.

“Are you ok Clary?”Drew asked holding my shoulder.

“Yeah i’m ok. Why wouldn’t I right.”I said faking a smile.

“Yeah ok Clary like i’m going to believe that but i’m not going to pry ok. But now would be a great time to tell me anything that is bothering you or why you wanted to ditch today.”He said looking at me.                        

 “Can’t I just hang out with my friend is that a crime now.Shit.”I said hoping that he would buy it.

“Yeah sure ok I know i’m awesome and shit but I know that’s not the reason why Clary. So what’s really going on.”He asked. When I didn’t answer he began to speak.

“It’s Blake isn’t it.”He asked. I nodded silently.

“Oh Clary.”Drew said and threw his hands behind his head and sighed.

“What.”I asked confused. But apparently it only made him laugh then chuckle and shake his head.

“And what the fuck is so funny to you.”I yelled now leaning against a stupid tree.    

“Babe can’t you see the poor guy has been looking like a lost puppy without you.”He said while looking at me but I shook my head.                       

“Your crazy he’s doing fine.”I replied but he raised an eyebrow at me.

“You are so dense do you know that babe. Why don’t you just forgive him either that or you have to tell him what happened a year ago. Yeah babe as in the truth.”He replied and I stood there shocked.

“Fine let’s go it’s already fucken lunch anyway.”I replied rolling my eyes.     

 “That’s my girl.”He said pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

“Ok Drew I get it get off me. Ok now that I can breath again let’s go i’m starving.”I said while pulling on his arm. I heard him chuckle behind me though.   

 “When are you not hungry babe.”He said again chuckling.                    

 “I get it but i’m growing now let’s go.”I pouted.

“Ok let’s go talk to Blake. Well actually you have to babe and were also gonna eat.”He said now pulling me.

As we sat down on our regular lunch table awkward silence filled the air. Soon Haleigh broke the silence.

“So I was thinking we should ditch tomorrow.”Haleigh said looking at all of us.

“Sounds good. Were are we going?”I asked.

“Well I told Lui we should go to the amusement park. It’s like 1-2 hour drive or so.”Haleigh finished looking at Lui and then Clary.

“Well sounds good to me. What about the rest of you?”Clary asked lifting her soda can out towards them.

“Yeah sounds good to me.”Nicole replied cautiously.

“Yeah sounds good.”Drew replied lifting an eyebrow.

“Yeah sure why not.”Gaby replied hesitantly looking at Clary.

“Yeah sure.”Blake answered.

“You guy’s stop looking at me like I came out of rehab for abusing drugs. I’m fine ok. Nothing is going to happen to me just because i’m sitting next to Blake. Fuck so stop looking at me like i’ma break or something.”Clary said tired.                                                                  

“Umm guy’s just leave her ok she’s strong I should now. I’ve been with her threw shit she is one tough person to crack. And yeah sounds fun.”Dwayne piped in.

“Thanks Dwayne.”Clary said softly.

“No problem peanut.”Dwayne said smiling.

“Okay then it’s settled. Let’s meet at our usual place. K.”Haleigh announced.

“Yeah sounds good.”Clary replied right when the bell rang.

“Wait. Um Clary.”Blake said reaching for her hand.

“Yeah Blake.”Clary replied not turning around but closing her eyes iinstead.

“Can I um can we talk after school?”Blake asked.    

“Yeah sure.”Clary replied.

“Thanks.”Blake replied.

“Your welcome. We- we should probably get to class.”Clary replied walking away.

“Yeah we should.”Blake replied smiling.

“Well are you just gonna stand there or what?”Clary replied teasingly.

“Oh yeah umm sorry girly. I mean sorry I didn’t mean to call you that.”He replied sheepishly.

“It’s ok jerk I don’t bite.But I can’t promise you the same about the teacher.”Clary chuckled.

“Thanks and you're probably right by the way.”Blake replied chuckling.

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