Chapter 20

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Clary’s pov..

I was surprised about everything actually. After the talk with Blake we just stood there doing nothing. We were completely silent but it was comfortable silence. Just then I was pulled out of my thoughts.

“Hey guy’s.”Haleigh chirped.

“Well someone seems happy.”Gaby smirked.

“Shut up.”Haleigh glared.

“Hey  no need to get mad just stating facts.”Gaby defended.

“Yeah well don’t.”Haleigh huffed.

“Shit calm down.”Gaby smirked.

“I am calm.”Haleigh winked.

“Mhm so how was your 1 year anniversary?”Gaby asked.

“It-it was good.great yeah.”Haleigh replied blushing.

“Aww are you blushing.”Clary teased.

“Wha-what no it’s-it’s blush.”Haleigh stuttered.

“Actually babe I was with you and I didn’t see you put blush on.”Lui replied with a smug smile.

“Oh now you pay attention on what I put on my face.”Haleigh glared.

“Hey as long as it’s that and my lip’s on your face it’s all good.”Lui winked with a smile.

“Haha fuck you.”Haleigh spat out.

“We’ll have time for that later but not now.”Lui smiled at his shocked girlfriend.

“Wha-what! You idiot you know that’s not what I meant. You perv.”Haleigh stammered.

“I know you didn’t mean it like that. I just like teasing you. because when I tease you you blush and try to insult me but you fail because you're embarrassed.”Lui replied hugging her from behind placing his head on her shoulder.

“I-I-I.”Haleigh started but then stopped.

‘I love you too.”Lui replied pecking her cheek.

“Me too.”Haleigh answered smiling.

“Whoa has Haleigh gonna soft.”Drew exclaimed dramatically.

“Never bitch never.”Haleigh replied with a smirk.

“Yes thank the lord he’s answered my prayers.”Drew exclaimed.

“Your an idiot.”Haleigh replied rolling her eyes.

“Only your’s babe.”Drew winked.

“Mate the boyfriend is probably around here somewhere so i’d lay off.”Lui replied with a smug smile.

“Nah you know that doesn’t stop me.”Drew smirked. We all looked at each other before we burst out laughing.

“Are you done yet assholes?”Drew asked annoyed.

“Yeah we are.”I replied smugly.

“Hey um Clare can I talk to you?”He asked nervously.

“Yeah sure.”I replied walking over to him. We walked a bit far from the group.

“What’s wrong?”I asked worried.

“Wow just wow.”he replied.

“What?”I asked confused.

“Even after I was a jerk to you, you asked if I was fine.”he replied.

“Oh.”was all I could say.

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