Chapter 21

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2 Hours Later..

“Hey man i’ma go to sleep you should just crash here I know I am.”Lui spoke up.

“K will let me just tell my uh dad.”Blake replied.

“Where did you say you were staying at?”Lui asked.

“Dwayne.”They said in unison.

“Nice.”Lui replied.

“Yup.”Blake answered.

“Okay well if you need anything go and open the door because i’m a heavy sleeper and i’ma have my headphones on so yeah. Oh before I forget when she wakes up or whatever help her she’s gets dizzy and a little weak.”Lui replied walking up stairs.

“Will do.”Blake half shouted half whispered.

“What the- what am I doing on the coach?”Clary questioned.

“Oh well you see uh you fainted.”Blake replied looking away from the tv.

“Oh I did.”Clary answered rhetorically.

“Yeah wanna tell me why?”Blake questioned.

“Oh yeah see uh around a year ago I used to get pretty nervous I don’t know why so don’t ask. So then one day Lui was coming over and I started to panic, breathing heavy, just looking at my surroundings like I was in danger or something I got pretty bad so when I heard the doorbell ring I ran like hell and when I had to make the turn I tripped and fell down every step. So when I reached the bottom I went unconscious.The last thing I heard was my name being yelled out. And then I woke up at the hospital and I guess Lui already told you the whole sob story about neither of my parents going to the hospital. Yeah he was the only one there and yeah it’s just he was the only one there. But then we got the results of the test and yeah he was my brother well he still is you know what I mean but yeah. So then after a few days past I was having frequent panic attacks. So yeah thats what I have I just have panic attacks sometimes ya know but it’s nothing.”Clar answered looking at Blake.

“It’s nothing really I just saw my girlfriend pass out and say she get’s panic attacks and it’s nothing are you kidding me right now Clary?”Blake shouted which made her flinch.

“Oh wait let me guess everybody else knew about your panic attacks except me.”Blake replied.

“Uh yeah they they did I was going to tell you I swear but then I forgot and I was gonna tell you when I was panicking but I blacked out before I could.”Clary answered.

“Ok fine is there anything that you're not telling me as well to prevent any other confrontations?”Blake asked.

“Uh no not that I could think of.”Clary answered.

“Ok good.”Blake replied running his hand threw his head.

“Hey it’s ok i’m fine it’s just something I have to deal with ok.”Clary said taking a hold of Blake’s hand. He looked at her for a good minute but then sighed.

“Ok fine I just need you to tell me things like this because if something happens I won’t know what to do.”Blake replied.

“Ok I will promise.”Clary answered holding out her pinky Blake chuckled but then hooked his pinky with hers.

“You promise?”Blake asked raising an eyebrow.

“Promise.”Clary replied smiling.

“Okay.”Blake answered.

“Oh theres something i’ve been meaning to talk to you about.”Clary replied.

“What is it?”Blake asked.

“From now on no pda ok it’s just-”Clary was caught off by her phone ringing.

Clary’s Pov..

“Hello?”I asked since it was an unknown number.

“Hi Clary miss me?”a voice I recognized to well answered.

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