Chapter 55

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Clary's pov:

I pulled away so fast Blake almost fell.

"Shit sorry I forgot I had a date."I replied trying to find my stuff. Blake's eyes all at popped out of its socket.

"What?!"he yelled out.

"Yeah a date."I replied looking for my shoes. Shit I kept looking and found them. I put on my vans and looked at Blake.

"With who?"he asked. I looked at him.

"Lucas."I replied and left the room before he said anything. I ran downstairs and saw Lucas in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry."I replied. He looked at him and scrunched up his eyebrows. Blake came down and looked at Lucas.

"You guys are going out?!"Blake yelled a Lucas looked at me and I gave him a pleading look. He cleared his throat.

"Yeah."he replied leaning against the counter. He crossed his arms.

"Got a problem with that?"he asked looking at Blake.

"Yes."Blake hissed.

"Oh really and what is it?"Lucas asked.

"You cheated on her!"Blake yelled out. Damn it.

"So you promised something and you broke that promise."Lucas shrugged.

"You lied and she caught you."Blake said pointing at me. What did I do? Should have just said okay and gone to school.

But no my dumbass has to go and open my mouth and say I'm going on a date. When really Blake is the only one I want to go on a date with.

"You left her for some slut at a party." Lucas fired back with ease. Blake stared and stared. Lucas smiled with victory. Blake turned to look at me.

"Don't expect me to be there when he breaks your heart....again."Blake replied. Your the only one breaking my heart. I thought as I looked at Blake. Blake left the house and slammed the door.

I flinched at the bang and tears spilled out. I wiped them away and looked at Lucas.

"Thanks."I replied with a tight smile. Lucas walked towards me and pulled me into a hug. But I didn't cry I just stood there in his arms. Too numb to even shed one tear.

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