Chapter 3

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In class...

"Good morning class."Mr.Jefferson said duly.

"Wow I don't even know why he bothers coming he hates teaching here."Haleigh whispered.

"Well easy to make our lives a living hell that's why."Clary replied.

"Touche'."Haleigh replied impressed.

"Yeah well I have a gift."Clary said teasingly.

"Yeah ok."Haleigh replied rollinh her eyes at her friend.

"I do anyway how are you and brownie?"Clary asked teasingly.

"What oh umm were good were a great."Haleigh replied cought off gurad.

"Aww are you blushing."Clary said amused.

"What no it's blush. Idiot."Haleigh replied.

"Yeah ok whatever."Clary answered.

"Yeah yeah how are you and Blake?"Haleigh asked smirkingly.

"You know we don't like each other like that."Clary replied duly.

"But you guy's would look cute together."she whined.

"Yeah would but you know thta even if we did like each other it couldn't happen."Clary replied.

"I know you can't but I just want to see you smiling and being happy."Haleigh answered her friend.

"Yeah I know you, Gaby, Nicole, Dwayne, and Lui want that but as long as all 6 of you are happy i'm happy."Clary replied smiling.

"Yeah ok wait 6 what about Blake? It's suppose to be 7 not 6."Haleigh asked confused.

"Blake knows nothing and it's gonna stay that away."Clary replied looking at the desk and then back at her friend who seemed to be in shock.

"What why? Why don't you want him to know?"Haleigh asked confused.

"Look it's been a fucken year it wouldn't even matter anymore. It would be pointless if I told him now."Clary almost yelled out.

"Whatever you say I still think he should know and find out by you not Lui or anyone else."Haleigh stated.

"I have my reasons and thanks for the advice I didn't know you were my mom. And for you information I am going to tell him."Clary replied irritated.

"You are."Haleigh beamed.

"Yeah I am but not now I have to tell him when it's the right time."Clary replied amused.

"Ah Mr.Austin glad you could join us."Mr.Jefferson said sarcastically.

"And now is not that time Haleigh."Clary pointed out.

"Yup good choice Clare."Hlaeigh replied lookinng at Blake standing by the door and the teacher pissed off.

"Well are you just gonna stand there or are you going to sit down wiht the rest of the class?"Mr.Jefferson asked rhetorically.

"Yeah yeah don't get your panties in a twist."Blake snarled.

"Hey watch your mouth young man or i'll send you to the principals office."the teacher said coldly.

'You know what Mr.Jefferson it would be my pleasure it would be great actually who the fuck wants to be in this boring as class anyway."Blake shot back.

"That's it get out of my class."Mr.Jefferson spat out.

"Whatever."Blake muttered. And wiht that he was gone.

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