Chapter 16

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“What the fuck.?!”Clary exclaimed rolling of her bed with a loud thud.

“Ouch.”Clary winced in pain as she stood up to grab her phone.

“What the fuck do you want you areshole.”Clary growled at the person on the other line.

“Wow no good morning no hi babe I missed you?”Blake said sarcastically.

“Not when you wake me up and I fall off my bed while I was dreaming.”Clary replied pissed off.

“Wow so not a morning person I see. And i’ma pick you up.”Blake answered.

“Shut it. And why are you going to pick me up? I can go to school alone. I’m not 5.”Clary replied annoyed.

“Yeah well were dating. So now I drive you to school. And girly I hope you were dreaming about me.”Blake replied smugly.

“Your an ass and I will never so in your dreams.”Clary scuffed.

“Alright see you at your house in 20 girly. And how did you know you were in my dream’s uhu.”Blake teased. But some how that just made her blush.

“Shut up. And fine.”Clary said rolling her eyes.

“I can literally see you blushing right now girly. It suites you. You should blush more often.”Blake replied chuckling.

“Shut up.”Clary huffed.

“Ok fine I know I just made you blush harder though. Bye girly see you soon.”Blake replied smiling.

“Okay.”Clary responded and with that she hung up.

“Idiot.”Clary muttered but couldn't help but smile.

20 Minutes Later…


“I’m coming fuck.”Clary muttered.

“Jeez calm down Blake..”Clary shouted but to her surprise it wasn’t him.

“Oh my god. I am so sorry.”Clary apologized to the mail man.

“It’s alright miss.”The guy replied with a smile.

“Thanks. So what can I do you for?”Clary replied embarrassed.    

“Oh you have a delivery.”The guy answered signalling to a bouquet of flowers.

“Oh yeah were-were do I uh sign?”Clary asked sheepishly.

“Right here miss.”The guy answered amused.

“Umm. There. Thank you and again i’m sorry I thought you were my boyfriend.”Clary replied smiling at the stranger who seemed to be around 20.

“Well he’s a lucky guy.”The stranger replied.

“Oh uh thank you.”Clary said blushing. Amusement twinkled in the guys eyes.

“Your welcome my name is Isaac by the way.”He replied taking out his hand.

“Nice to meet you i’m Clary.”she replied smiling.

“Nice to meet you Clary well I better get going.”Isaac said waving good bye.

“Same here bye.”Clary replied waving.

“Oh he did not get me flowers. Fuck Blake why.. Holy shit.”Clary muttered. But to her surprise it came from Lucas with a little message.

To: Clary

Well well dear Clary. Long time no see. Well you can’t actually see me. Last time you did I recall I was told not to go anywhere near you by Lui. Well things change now don’t they. Tell him I say hi and also tell your good friend Haleigh I say she looks good and can do so much better than her boyfriend. Who is it oh yes Lui. I wish them the best of luck. As for you. Tell Blake I say hi as well. Oh wait tell all your friends in your little group I say hi how rude of me just to say hi to the my three main favorites. Can’t wait to see you. - Lucas

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