Chapter 50

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Clary's pov:

An hour passed and I couldn't take it. I got up and walked towards the front desk.

"I was wondering if I could go home if there isn't anything else I need to worry about."I asked looking at the lady.

"Umm let me check. Okay no you can go."she replied. I smiled. I walked back to the chairs and looked at my friends. God they're idiots.

"Okay come on let's go all of you."I said gesturing them to stand up. They stood up and fallowed me out. We each walked towards the vehicle we came in.

I got in my car and headed towards my 'house'. All of us got there and I opened the door. Damn.

"Okay well you guys can crash here. I don't really mind. And umm yeah." I replied walking up the stairs.

"By the way rooms are upstairs."I said looking back. They all nodded. I walked towards my room and opened the door. I closed the door and took off my dress.

I was about to change when the door opened. Seriously?! I looked back and saw Blake. Wow just. Only him. I looked at him and arched my brow.

"Sorry."he replied looking away. I rolled my eyes. I put on some tights and a shirt. Which was his now that I think about it. Shit. I looked down and was about to take it off when he turned to look at me.

"You have my shirt."he said pointing at his shirt. I looked down.

"Uhh yeah. Here."I replied taking it off.

"No it's fine. Looks better on you."he said giving me a smile. I gave him one back. And then it hit me. Lucas was here too. Shit.

"Thanks. Umm I have to go check on something."I replied walking towards the door.

"Okay."he said sitting down. I walked down stairs and saw him drinking water.

"Hey."he replied looking up.

"Hi."I said awkwardly.

"So.."he replied.

"So.."I said looking at him.

"Thank you for coming. You didn't have to come to the hospital."I replied sitting down. He smiled.

"Clary it's fine. I wanted to. Well I didn't know what was going on. Blake called me."he said laughing.

"Blake? Blake called you."I replied pointing at him. He nodded. Huh. Well would you look at that.

"Clary he cares about you enough to call up your ex. While you guys are dating."he said placing his hand in mine.

"Yeah about that we're not dating."I replied looking at his hands. He played with my fingers.

"Oh."he said.

"Yeah."I replied looking at him. He continued to play with my fingers. He always did that. Well when we were dating. He usually did that when he was thinking.

"What are you thinking about?"I asked looking at him.

"Huh?"he asked confused. I chuckled.

"You always played with my fingers when you were thinking. So what are you thinking about?"I asked looking at him.

"I just thought you guys would last." He said shrugging. I laughed softly.

"What made you think that?"I asked playing with his hand.

"Because you guys care about each other. Not to mention that you love him."he replied. I looked at him. How did he?

"How do you know?"I asked looking at him. He chuckled.

"You have that look." He replied shrugging.

"What look? I don't have a look."I said looking at him.

"Just the way you look at him. It's different from how you look at the other guys. That's all."he replied drinking more water.

"You don't think you being here will put you in more danger right?"I asked he looked at me and walked over towards me. He hugged me and rested his chin on my head. He sighed.

"I don't know. But I don't care you worth it. You've been threw a lot. And you need all the friends you have right now. Well close friends."he replied.

"We're close friends now?"I asked trying to look at him. He chuckled.

"Hey I thought we were." He replied smacking me on my shoulder. I laughed.

"Yeah well thank you."I said getting up and wrapping my arms around his waist. He hugged me back.  We pulled back and he kissed my forehead.

"Got get some sleep."he replied pushing my back to walk up the stairs.

"Okay. You have to go to sleep to though." I said making him laugh.

"See you in the morning Clary."he replied kissing the top of my head. I closed my eyes and opened them when he pulled back.

"Okay."I whispered. He smiled and walked to a guest room. I opened the door and walked in my room.

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