Chapter 32

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Clary's Pov..

 "Thank you."I said hugging my brother.

"Your welcome and by the way I still don't trust or like that guy."he replied.

"You don't have to like or trust the guy.. No yeah maybe trust him."I said looking at him.

"I don't even know why you don't dislike or hate him after he cheated on you at that party."he answered looking at me and I just remembered that night like it was yesterday.

Flash back..

"A party?" clary yelled out.

"Yes girly a party you know where a gathering of people come together and have a good time."he replied following me into the kitchen.

"Why would I go to a stupid party?"I asked rhetorically.

"Oh come on live a little."blake teased.

"No i'm going to stay you can go hit on girls and i'll call Luca's and see if he want's to come over."I replied.

"Oh your stupid boyfriend really."he sneered and rolled his eyes.

"He is not stupid you are. Idiot."I replied scanning the fridge.

"I am not and he's out of town remember."I stated.

"Oh yeah."I replied sheepishly.

"You see all of us are going to be there."He replied.

"All of you?"I asked.

"Yes Haleigh, Lui, Dwayne, Gaby, Nicole, and me."he replied. I looked at him for a moment ad then I said.

"Fine i'll go."I replied.

"Finally."he yelled out and hugged me for like ever.

"Okay let go your crushing me."I replied.

"Sorry girly."he replied emberessed.

At the party.. 

"Oh come on Clary." blake replied pulling me hand as I shivered. I knew I should have brought a sweater and a longer shirt instead of a crop top. But to be honest I looked good.

"You know I hate people and drunk horny teenagers aren't particularly my favorite kind of people."I pointed out.

"Okay yeah I see your point. Don't worry I swear I promise okay that I won't let anything or anyone hurt you not now not ever okay I promise."he replied looking at me.

"You promise ?"I ask.

"I swear it."he replied leading the way towards the front door.

An hour later..

"Blake !! Oh I am going to kill him exept there is too many witnesses." I said under my breath as I passed grinding teenagers. 

"Hey."said this guy who smelled too much like beer. I looked at him and he shot me a cheesy smile and I smiled back but quickly left.

I ran up the stairs when I heard a strange noise I thought it was Blake with some girl. I hoped it was so I could yell at him for leaving me alone especially because he was my ride. I opened the door a guy's back faced me but when he turned around I relized I was very wrong.

"Lucas."was all I could say.

"Clary?"he answered looking at me. I couldn't believe it I just left but I didn't get to far because out of no where I felt a hand tightly wrapped arounf my wrist.

That made me mad it's funny how I went  from sad to mad in a snap of a finger. I turned around to look at him I looked at him with so much hate. So many questions where going threw my head was this the first time he's cheated on me? Is this the 5th time? I didn't know I was so mad and sad and felt so stupid just having him watch me made me feel like an idiot. 

"How could I have been so stupid you and all the damn guy's are the same don't ever talk to me again. Let go of me."I replied trying to yank out my arm away from his grip.

"No Clary let me explain. I can explain just listen please I never wanted to hurt you."he replied looking at me.

"Well then maybe you should have thought of that before you asked me out before we ever did anything."I replied looking at him in disgust. I finally managed to rip my hand out of his grip when he grabbed my other wrist.

"Let go or i'll make you regret it."a voice said in the back of us. I turned around and saw Lui. His jaw was clenched.

"Oh yeah I'd like to see you try."Lucas replied and pushed me out of the way. I looked at them and soemthing just snapped.

"No no don't stop."I yelled as I saw Luca's punching Lui in the face and then on the jaw splitting his lip which was now bleeding. Then lui slammed lucas into the wall and punched him. I watched in horror not nowing what to do. I felt so weak and helpless. I felt hot tears running down my face I couldn't breath and everything seemed to go blurry. Next thing I kenew Haleigh was pulling me up. Lui wipped blood of his face and all I could say was.

"Where's Blake?"

"I-I saw him leave with some blond."haleigh replied looking at me and Lui came toward us.

"Oh."I replied trying not to cry I looked up and my whole body shook. 

"I told him to leave here and he's never going to bother you ever again okay Clary your save."lui replied looking at me.

"Screw him and Blake. Screw this party screw the world screw this night. Nobody tell's blake he was probably fucking drunk he won't remember and it's going to stay that way until I decide."I said with anger.

"Okay."they replied in unison.

end of flash back.

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