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The next Morning,

Blakes Pov:

I woke up to Clary sleeping. She was right by m side. She was peaceful looking.

"Good morning beautiful."I said tickling her nose with a strand of her hair.

To my not surprise she smacked my hand and showed me the middle finger.

"I see your not a morning person."I replied rubbing my hand.

"No i'm not and plus those stupid lines you use don't work on me i'm not like all the other girls youv'e used them on."she replied puttinh her hair in a pony tale.

"Wow blunt much."I answered sarcastically.

"Yeah well thats my sister for you a heart breaker she is."Lui replied leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah sure I am."Clary answered rolling her eyes.

"Hey just stating facts here I mean how many guys have you turned down this past year? All those poor guys with the broken hearts."Lui replied chuckling before Clary throwing a pillow at his face.

"Shut up that is not true."Clary replied tucking a couple of loose strands of hair.

"No let the man speak I wanna learn more about these poor guy's."I replied laughing.

"There was this one guy that brought her flowers. So i'm at her house right and all of a sudden the doorbell rings. And so then Clary goes to open it and he's outside. So she smiles polietly and he smiles back and took out the roses behinde his back.Her smile disapears. And needless to say the poor guy got a face full of door."Lui replied doubled over in laughter while I held my stomach in pain of laughing to hard.

"Shut up that was a long time ago ok."Clary replied looking bored.

"A long time ago this was just a few weeks ago."Lui replied smirking.

"Just a few weeks ago huh."I replied smirking.

"Shut up you assholes."Clary replied putting the covers over her face. 

"Fine well i'm leaving for school you kids be safe now."Lui replied pointing a finger.

"I have a softball bat under my bed."Clary replied.

"Okay then no need to worry. Bye sis bye Blake."Lui replied walking down the stairs.

"Bye."Me and Clary replied in unison.

"Well i'ma go back to sleep."Clary replied then turned away.

Clary's Pov:

I woke up to my phone ringing.

"What the fuck."I groaned. But quickly grabbed my pho

e when Blake moved in his sleep. I got up and walked down stairs to the kitchen.

"Hello?"I answered in more of a question.

'Ahh she lives."Lucas's voice replied.

"What do you want? I'm busy."I replied irritated.

"Easy princess and sleeping really? Thats what you call busy?"he shot back.

"Yeah actually I do. Sue me so what do you want?"I replied pissed off.

"Just checking in."he replied.

"Ok you checked in now bye."I answered.

"Clary wait."he replied quickly.

"What?"I asked curiously.

"Who are you with right now?"he asked with a sigh at the end.

"Does it matter?"I replied half irritated and I just didnt want to answer the question.

"Yes it does. I just want to make sure your not alone"he replied.

"Well I'm not alone ok."I replied.

"Can I know with who?"her asked.

"Who are you my mother?"I asked rhetorically. But what he said surprised me.

"No I'm not. Because if I was I would be there when you need me. And it doesn't take a real geniuse to to figure out that your with Blake."Lucas replied.

"I-I-I."I didn't know what to say tp that.

Did I just render Clary Rogers speechless?"Lucas said in an exagerated tone.

"Shut up your such a jerk."I replied chuckling. But falied to hear Blake walk down stairs.

'Hey every opportunity counts."Lucas replied laughing. And just like that I turned around to find Blake starring atme. I gulped real hard.

"Uh listen I gotta go I'll talk to you later."I replied.

'Okay i'll talk to you later princess."Lucas replied and hung up.

I looked down and locked my phone and then looked back up at Blake.

'Hey."I replied awkwardly.

"Who were you talking too?"he asked.

"No one important."I replied.

"Really? Because it didn't seem like that too me."he replied.

"Okay then. That was Lucas. A.K.A not important."I replied.

"Wow really. Because you guys seemed like you were having a grand time time."He replied coldly. I was mad but who says "having a grand time" anymore? Like what the fuck. 

"Thats just because he said something."I replied coldly too.

" What happened to he's an asshole or that he's a bastared huh Clary?"he answered looking at me.

"Well maybe I was wrong about him." I replied putting on my convers and a jacket,

"Yeah well I don't think so."he replied looking at me. 

"Oh yeah well hey guess what that day when you made me go to a stupid party because he was "out of town" you said you weren't going to let anything happen to me. Guess what you lied 25 minutes into the party you where who knows where and I was looking for you like a dumb ass. And I opened a door and there he was Lucas making out with this girl. He tried to explain but I wouldn't let him. He wouldn't let me go. Until Lui came and punched him and told him to leave and never come back. Haleigh came and hugged me and you. You were with some girl who knows where. And the only way I knew that was because Haleigh told me. The next day Lui said you wouldn't remember the party and he was right you didn't remember shit. I had a bruise around my wrists but it didn't hurt as much as what you and he did. You lied and Lucas lied. So you shouldn't be talking. You know the way out when you want to leave."I replied slamming the door and driving off.

"Lucas?"I asked as he answered the phone.

"Yeah?" he replied but came out more like a question.

"Uh."Man I never thought i'd get this far.

"Clary are you okay? You sound like your crying."Lucas asked with concern,

"No i'm okay."I lied.

"Okay? So what can I do for you?"he asked not believing me.

"Meet me at our place."I replied. I waited there was a long silence.

"Okay."he answered and hung up.

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