Chapter 22

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“How did you get my number?”I asked with my teeth clenched.

“I have my sources I mean if you're a drug dealer you gotta have sources right?”Lucas replied smugly.

“Shut it.”I replied coldly.

“Ouch that hurts.”Lucas answered.

“Look I was just calling to check up on you I mean another panic attack ouch right at least this time prince charming was there to catch you right.”Lucas replied.

“Ho- how did you know I get panic attacks?”Clary asked weakly.

“Who do you think brought you to the hospital Clary oh and congrats by the way a brother man who knew right.”Lucas replied.

“You brought me to the hospital?”Clary asked shocked.

“Of course I did see when I was leaving I decided to stop by and say good bye but then I heard several thuds as the good person I am I opened the door to check it out when I found you lying on the ground with your head bleeding. So I put you in my car and brought you to the hospital. Where then I proceeded to call Lui wait now I see it he didn’t tell you did he.”Lucas replied laughing.

“Te-tell me what?”Clar asked confused.

“Wow Lui props man. He didn’t tell you that I was the one who brought you to the hospital, who called him and yeah thats about it. See when they said thanks and all I pulled out my phone and called him. he said I don’t believe you so I handed it to one of the nurses. Than like 20 minutes later he showed up. Obviously he made me leave. But when he went to the cafeteria to get coffee I snuck in to see you. ou where in your hospital bed looking peaceful and I just sat there looking at you sleep. But uh then I decided I should be going so I left and that was the last time I saw you in person Clary.”Lucas replied but towards the end something in his voice changed it became soft.

“I-I-I.”Clary stuttered not knowing what to do.

“Cat got your tongue princess?”Lucas replied chuckling.

“Don’t call me that.”Clary replied bitterly.

“What princess?”Lucas replied with an eyebrow raised.

“Yes that don’t call me it ever.”Clary snapped back.    

“I’ll call you whatever I want princess. Now go to sleep wouldn’t want to be late to class tomorrow now would you.”Lucas answered calmly.

“Don’t tr and act like you care cut the crap understand.”Clary replied coldly.

“Fine fine just Clary be uh safe k. Now go get some sleep go back to Blake.”Lucas replied uneasy.

“Okay?”Clary replied and hung up.

“What the fuck was that?”Clary muttered to herself as she turned to Blake who seemed surprised as well.  

“Blake?”Clary asked.

“Yeah.”Blake answered.

“Were not going to school tomorrow. And i'm gonna tell about a year ago.”Clary replied looking at her phone then back up at Blake

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