The Girlfriend Project

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What happens when a promise is broken. But your friends do everything to help you get past the disaster. You keep that broken promise from the person who broke it on a druken night.

Meet Clary she's a bitch no not like that you see a long time ago she learned there is no happy ending and that love is just another 4 letter word for pain.

She learned to sink feelings she's not shy but she's also not very out going. Her perents are rarely around. Being a bitch and keeping people out is her way of making sure she wont get hurt again.

Meet Blake one of her bestfriends he had a mystery of his one but they helped each other. Now your probably thinking do they like each other? Well the answer is no. But what happens when Blake the 'player' asks her to be his girlfriend so that he can get another girl?

Who fall's first. With their friends to help them they'll figure it out. Her friend or should I say bestfriend Haleigh is someone you don't wan to mess with she's stubborn but a softie at heart. Insult one of her friends you'll end up regreting it.

She and Lui have been dating for almost a year now. Gabby is athletic but no jock, Dwayne is a kind person, Drew is an aroggent bastard but is also nice, and Nicole she feeds them and she's polite.

They all Help Clary and Blake figure out thing's.

Especially now when the past comes back to haunt Clary she might have to tell Blake what promise he broke soooner than expected. sorry if it's long i'm new.

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