Chapter 40

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Clary's Pov...

I woke up to the smell of colone. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw blake sleeping. I smiled at his sleeping face.

"Who's the one staring now?" Blake replied in a sleepy voice.

"I wasn't staring."I said moving my head so it would rest on his chest.

"Sure whatever you say."blake chuckled.

"I'm serious I wasn't staring at you. "I replied.

"I said whatever you say. " he replied.

"Yeah well it didnt sound like you meant it."I replied.

"It sounded like but its the truth."he replied stroking my hair.

"That feels weird."I replied.

"Good weird or bad weird?"he asked.

"Good weird."I replied.

"Good."he replied. And he hugged me.

"I think wers gonna be late for school."I replied ruining the mood or I dont what this was.

"Thanks for ruining the mood. But we have study hall first period so it doesn't matter. "He said still hugging me.

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