Chapter 38

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Blakes Pov..

I heard the booming if the alarm clock in the distance. I felt moving in the bed so I moved. I wrapped my arm around something. The thing moved so I woke up. Then I realized it was Clary.

"Clary?"I said really tired. I squinted my eyes open to make sure it was her and not some random girl. Hey thing's happen okay.

"Yes?"she asked.

"What are you doing?"I replied.

"Umm i'm totally not trying to leave."she replied turning around to look at me.

"If you say so."I replied rubbing my eyes.

"Umm could you like put on some cloth's on?"she asked covering her face with her hands.

"Really after what happened last night your worried about me being naked?"I replied lifting my eyebrows up.

"I was drunk okay I didn't know what I was doing."she replied looking at me.

"Oh really? Because it looked like you knew exactly what you were doing."I replied looking at her with a smirk. In my defense she did whether she wanted to hear it or not.

"Fuck you."she replied shoving me.

"Oh sweetheart you just did."I replied.

"Your an asshole."she replied throwing my cloth's at my face. Big mistake.

"Hey."I replied after the cloth's hit me on my face.

"Sorry."she replied laughing.

"Oh really?"I said looking at her.

"Oh no don't you dare."she said moving away. But not quick enough because I grabbed her. I tickled her and she tried to get away but I was strong. I flipped her over.

"Damn you."she replied trying to move away.

"Ah aha ah what's the magic word?" I said shaking my finger in her face.

"Move before I slap you."she replied trying to move away.

"I was thinking more along the lines of Blake is the hottest guy in our school and any girl would be lucky to have me and i'm a great kisser."I replied smiling at her.

"I am not saying that."she replied looking at me.

"Fine then I hope your comfortable because were going to be here for a while."I replied very close to her face and pulled away. I could tell I was making her think. I could also tell me looking at her while she's naked under the covers while I'm on top of her makes her nervous well. Eh whatever work's. I realized that I was staring at her lips for a long time and I finally looked back up. She thought for a while and she finally spoke.

"Fine you are the hottest guy in our school any girl would be lucky to have you and your a great kisser."she replied looking at me. I had a great idea.

"Now was that so hard to say?"I replied dangerously close to her face. My face was just centimeters away from hers. I heard her breath hitch I smirked at that. I got closer and she tried to push her head back against the pillow trying to back away.I got closer untill we were breathing the literally same air. I smirked when she stopped breathing.

"You know if I make you this nervous I never would have thought you wanted me to get off."I replied in her ear as I pulled away I felt her shiver. I smirked she had a look in her eye that was worth a lot. She looked so annoyed yet very confused mixed in with i'ma slap you so damn hard. I smiled and she lifted her eyebrow. Which made me laugh.

"Oh really."I replied. I got closer to her well as close as you can get when your ontop of someone. The tip of our noses where touching and I heard her breath heavily. I smirked even more teasing her was the best thing ever then a memory from last night came to me.

"Oh god Blake you are good aren't you. You know I have to admitt I thought youe were cute back then when I met you. And also I had a small crush on you in like freshman year. But you know you were Blake the player so I stopped liking you."she replied which made me stop.

"You had a crush on me? Why didn't you tell me?"I asked looking at her. I wanted to tell her I wanted to say I had a crush on her the same year and that I thought I had no chance with her. I wanted to say that I would do any thing for her. That even if it sounds cheesy I cared about her too much to ever lose her that I think I was developing feeling's for her. But I didn't.

I snapped back to reality where I found Clary still breathing hard I looked down at her and kissed her right on her lips which I had no idea I was going to do but you know I did it anyway. Wow. I got of her and she said.

"Your still an asshole."she replied sitting up.

"Oh what's that you want me to do it again?"I said holding my hand to my ear.

"No. But did we use umm something?"she asked getting up with the covers.That made me want to laugh but I could tell it was important and I knew it was a very serious matter. So I thought for a while and I spotted something that looked like a wrapper and it was a wrapper of a condom so yeah I did.

"Umm I believe so."I replied but I saw the worry on her face so I spoke again.

"Clary I was drunk not stupid."I replied.

"Okay umm yeah sorry but yeah."she asked getting flustered.

"You know I'm always prepared don't worry."I replied with a smirk. I would like someone to disagree but it was true I wasn't stupid i'm not about to hook up with a girl and knock her up I wasn't stupid.

"You really are disgusting you know that."she replied looking at me.

"Well me being disgusting saved your ass from not being pregnant."I pointed out.

"Oh yeah am I suppose to thank you or something."she asked.

"Yeah if it wasn't for me being smart and prepared who knows what could have happened."I replied looking at her.

"You do know even if you didn't have a condom I could have taken the morning after pill or whatever it's called."she replied looking at me.

"I know but I just can't imagine why you would want to get rid of our child I mean after we made love why would you do that to me and our child. We could have emberaced her or him by telling them how they were made."I replied looking at her which earned me a death glare.

"Even if I kept the baby Lui would kill you and I wouldn't let you anywhere near my baby."she said looking at me.

"Hey for your information I would make a great dad okay I would love that kid like nothing else other than you ofcourse dear."I replied with a wink and she rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Okay then i'm gonna go take a shower so yeah."she replied making her way towards the bathroom.

"Want me to join?"I said smirking.

"Go fuck your self."she said giving me the finger.

"I will thank you."I replied sarcastically.Yeah I think I was starting to like that weirdo once more and I smiled at that.

I got up and got dressed and left her room and house but not before bumping into the girls I smirked at them outside and left.

I was feeling especially happy today.Well gotta go see the guys.

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