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Well my name is Clary but my friends call me clare though they only say Clare when its something serious. I'm fine with which ever one though never has been that complicated.

My best friend blake I tease him and call him blakie though not always I just call him that because I use too say it. He calls me differently though he call's me girly and he does it because he loves irritating me.

He know's how much I hate the nickname so that's why he call's me girly. But don't worry because I call him jerk it all went with the process though.

When he called me that I called him jerk and he said "wow I like that" and of course I got confused. So I asked what he meant and he said "I like how that sound's jerk and girly." "Has a nice ring to it." Well you get the point now right.

Anyway people might think me and him like each other but no he's cute I must admit and he's told me i'm cute but we never do sh*t about it. Yes bad word's what i'm in high school in senior year actually.

All of us are actually. Yes you heard right all of us. It wasn't just me and blake. We had our own little crew. Ok there is Haleigh she's dating brownie no that's not his name it's Lui actually we just call him that for fun. They're cute he's like 5'8 and she's 5'1 they look real cute. Anyway moving on there's Gaby just gaby I mean her full name is Gabriela but we call her Gaby obviously. She's single for now I guess.

There is also Dwayne he's also like my best friend I tell him most thing's really me and blake are really close don't get me wrong he know's stuff too. Not as much as Dwayne though.

Anyway there is also Nicole she's also single. Well it's only been a year since like she dated but who cares about guys right?

It's small but it's big enough at least for us. Now you know how you hear high school is the worst 4 year's of your life well they aren't necessarily wrong. High school is filled with many kinds of people the wanna be's, the queen bee who everyone adores and guy's wanna be with her girl's want to be her you get the point well not me and my friends well the 4 of us girl's not the guy's. Anyway there is also the goth's, emo's, weirdo's, nerd's so stereotypical though, the jok's, the cheerleader's, player's, and us the best people you will ever meet.

Me and my friend's are all close some closer than other's I guess. Lui is 5'8 as I have said before he has light brown eyes, he is a very funny person without even trying he has skills he can make someone laugh just by eating. He is also very sweet and considerate. He is a gentleman one of the few actually. Haleigh is 5'1 she also has very long hair she has brown eyes but unlike lui she has dark brown eyes she has very good comebacks when not caught of guard. Just like Dwayne she's a softie she just doesn't like admitting it. She is also super confident which is what I admire most about her.

Gaby loves soccer she has brown eyes. Gaby is taller than me well at this point who isn't i'm tall but not that tall. She is a very happy person she laughs a lot she's very energetic.

Nicole is very smart, she is polite, she does not say bad words as much as the rest of us do, she also very tolerant and last she feeds us.

Dwayne is taller than me like I said i'm pretty tall but not much. He also has brown eyes like I mentioned almost all my friends eyes are brown except mines and blakes.Dwayne is real softie even though he doesn't like to admit, he help me out alot and by that I mean a lot a lot, he is a great person to ask for help well at least sometimes, he is very tolerant as well, he makes people feel better, and last but not least he's a great person to have as a friend.

There was also Blake mr.player but he just earned that title for breaking girls hearts no really dating a lot. But anyway he is 5'8 he has blue colored eyes the color of the sea but not that much they were pretty faded but sometimes they were really bright. He is and arrogant bastard. Blake I guess you can say is a ladies man. No joke he has girls practically throwing themselves at him. Not that mind at all it's what you call a player but not really because he dates girls like theres no tommorow but he never takes it to an extreme. And he does pace himself he doesn't date a different girl the next day he waits a while until he think's it's appropriate he does care although sometimes it doesn't seem like it. Anyway he is pretty funny not as much as Lui though, he is also a good listener well sometimes, he is extremely self involved, he is also extremely cocky, and he also know's what to say well sometimes.
And me not much to know i'm stubborn, I can be a bitch to who ever I want to and whenever I want to, i'm also not the best girl ever, if I wanna show attitude and be mean I will, and I guess that's it. I am 5'1 not that short but they all make fun of me. I have bright blue eyes.

And that's it our little group. I've known Lui since 3rd Haleigh in the 1st grade, Gaby in 2grd, Dwayne in 6th, Nicole in 7th, and Blake in the 8th grade. Needlesss to say him and the guy's kicked it off and they've been bestfriends since.

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