Chapter 36

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Clary's Pov..

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I'm not a morning person but since I have a hang over it's even worse.

The alarm clock was beeping so loud and repeated over and over. Untill finally I threw it on the ground and it stopped.

I streched out my arm's thinking I would touch my bed. But I was wrong it felt warm and skin like.

I slowly turned my head. I opened my eyes and there infront of me was Blake. He had no shirt on so I slowly lifted up my covers and I was naked. SHIT.

I was about to leave when Blake moved. I stopped he stoped moving. I was relieved for a second because then I felt Blakes arm wrap around my waist. Umm awkward. I just wanted to hide. I tried taking his hand off but then he woke up.

"Clary?"he replied in his sleepy voice. I squinted my eyes and opened them.

"Yes?"I asked.

"What are you doing?"he replied.

"Umm i'm totally not trying to leave."I replied turning around to look at him.

"If you say so."he replied rubbing his eyes.

"Umm could you like put some cloth's on?"I asked putting my hands on my face.

"Really after what happened last night your worried about me being naked?"he asked lifting his eyebrows up.

"I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing."I replied looking at him.

"Oh really? Because it looked like you knew exactly what you were doing."he replied looking at me.

"Fuck you."I replied shoving him.

"Oh sweetheart you just did."he replied.

"Your an asshole."I replied throwing him his cloths from the ground on his face.

"Hey."he said after his cloths hit his face.

"Sorry."I replied laughing.

"Oh really."he replied looking at me.

"Oh no don't you dare."I said moving away. But not quick enough because he grabbed me. He tickled me and I tried to get away but he was strong. He flipped me over.

"Damn you."I replied trying to get up.

"Ah ah ah what's the magic word?"he said shaking his finger.

"Move beofre I slap you."I said trying to move away.

"I was thinking more along the lines of Blake his the hottest guy in our school and any girl would be lucky to have me and that i'm a great kisser."he replied smiling.

"I am not saying that."I replied looking at him.

"Fine then I hope your comfortable because were going to be here for a while."He replied very close to my face and then pulled away. Thats when the thought of my friends coming in my room crossed my mind. Uhh I hated that I had to say it.

"Fine you are the hottest guy in our school any girl would be lucky to have you and your a great kisser."I said looking at him.

"Now was that so hard to say?"he replied getting off of me.

"Your still an asshole."I said sitting up.

"Oh whats that you want me to do it again."he said putting his hand to his ear.

"No. But did we use umm something?"I replied getting up with the covers.

"Umm I believe so."he said. I looked at him for a minute he saw the worry so he spoke again.

"Clary I was drunk not stupid."he replied.

"Okay umm yeah sorry it's just weird and yeah."I replied walking.

"You know i'malways prepared don't worry."he said smirking.

"You really are disgusting you knnonw that."I replied looking at him.

"Well me being disgusting saved your ass from not being pregnant."he said.

"Oh yeah and i'm suppose to thank you or something?"I asked.

"Yeah if it wasn't for me being smart and prepared who knows what could have happened."he replied looking at me.

"You do know even if you didn't have a condom there's always the morning after pill that I could take."I replied looking at him.

"I know."he said.

"Okay then i'm going to take a shower so yeah."I said making my way to the bathroom.

"Want me join?"he said smirking.

"Go fuck your self."I replied.

"I will thank you."he replied sarcastically.

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