Chapter 46

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Clary's Pov..

"Miss. Are you still there?"the lady asked.

"Yes. Sorry I just my mom doesn't have me as her emergancy contact number."I replied.

"Well I might have made a mistake but just in case you should come down to the hospital."she replied.

"Yeah okay I'll be there in 25 minutes."I replied and hung up. I grabbed my stuff and left the building. I heard many foot steps behinde me. At first I thought I was crazy but I kept hearing them. When I got to my car I finally looked back. All my idiot friends were there. I stared.

"What are you doing here?"I asked looking at them.

"Well I saw you leave so I followed you out and they all just kinda fallowed."Lui replied shrugging.

"Well thank's but I have to go take care of something."I replied opening the car door. I was about to get in when something stoped the car door from closing. I turned around slowly and I saw Blake. Out of all the people he was the last person I wanted to see.

"Where are you going?"He asked with his cold blue eyes searching for something on my face he was never going to find. He isn't the only one who could hide their feeling's.

"No where that involves you guy's so go back to your prom and I'll see you tomorrow."I replied closing the door once more but Blake stoped it. Just fucking great he was worried and it showed. Out of all the times he could have showed his feeling's he chooses this time. Great.

"If it involves you it involves us as well."he replied and everyone nodded. I had great friends they were like family but I had to deal with this on my own. I looked at them and smiled so a tear wouldn't fall. Blake wasn't paying attention so I pushed him out of the way well I might have pushed him to hard because he stumbled back and almost fell. I closed the door and locked it. He came up to the window.

"Open the door."he replied pulling on the handle.

"Fuck Clary open the god damn door."he replied again pulling on the handle. I shook my head. I put the car in reverse and drove off. I could see my friends and my brother through the reer view mirror.

Blake had his arms on his head. Lui went towards him but Blake pushed him off and left. I drove towards the hospital my whole body shaking. I parked and went threw the doors. I went up to the lady at the desk.

"I got a call twenty five minutes ago or so saying that my mom was in a car accident."I replied to the lady.

"Oh yes I was the one who called."she replied with a smile.

"Oh okay well um I-I don't really know what to do."I replied with honsety.

"Well here is a picture of the patient. Oh and by the way if this is not your mother I am so sorry I alarmed you."she replied handing me a picture. I took it. My hands were shaking. Shit. I slowly turned the picture over. I hesitated for a while. I finally looked down. There she was well her picture. Everything went black.

"Miss? Are you alright?"the lady said hovering over me.

"Umm yeah sorry I had a panic attack."I replied getting up from the floor.

"So is she your mom or did I make a huge mistake?"the lady asked helping me up.

"Umm no you did not make a huge mistake it's my mother who was in the car accident. And i'm her daughter."I replied handing her the photo.

"What?"a voice said behinde me. I turned around there he was. Lui was shocked. He just starred.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?"I asked.

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