Chapter 39

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Clary's Pov...

"Don't worry my friends are totally normal."I replied sarcastically.

"Wow that's reasurring."Arlynne replied looking at me.

"Hey yeah I forgot what I was gonna say. Anyway my friend's are really welcoming. Don't worry."I replied keeping my eyes on the road.

"Yeah you talking doesn't make me feel better you know."she replied looking out the window.

"Eh were here."I yelled out. Which caused her to cringe so I laughed.

"Wow laughing at my pain change much do you."she replied sarcastically.

"Hey not my fault and also they're all inside waiting for you well me but nontheless right. Anyway lets go."I replied dragging her into the house where everybody stoped and stared.

"Hi."I replied looking at them but they were all busy looking at my special friend.

"She's not an alien idiot's. This is Arlynne."I replied pushing her infront of me.

"Hi."she replied awkwardly.

"She was my best friend friend back in elementary school. She just transfered to our school so be nice." I replied walking around and I stopped at Blake and looked him in the eye.

"And you don't get any ideas."I replied pointing a finger at him.

"Aww why you jelous?"He replied with a smirk.

"No you idiot you wish. Anyway Arlynne come here."I replied ushering her to come with me.

"What?"she asked.

"I'll introduce you since your so shy."I replied grabbing her.

"This is Lui he's an idiot also he's my brother."I replied looking at him.

"Haha very funny. And hi Arlynne."He said extending his hand which she took and smiled.

"This is Dwayne he's an idiot too well all of the guy's really but hey they made it this far right."I replied looking at Dwayne.

"Hi Arlynne."he replied extending his hand.

"This is Nicole."I said looking at Nicole.

"Hi Arlynne I like your necklace."she replied extending her hand.

"Thank's."she replied.

"This is Gaby she's like our jock."I replied smiling and Gaby rolled her eye's but smiled.

"Hi Arlynne."she replied extending her hand.

"This is Drew also don't get any ideas you flirt."I replied looking at him.

"Hey what can I say I like pretty thing's. And hi Arlynne i'm looking forward to getting to know you."he said smiling and extending his arm.

"Down boy."I replied laughing.

I was about to speak when Arlynne spoke first.

"And you must be the famous Blake."she replied extending her hand which he gladly took. But not before sending me a smirk.

"Why thank you it's great to see that Clary talk's about me. Granted I already know she always talk's about me but still."he said looking at her than me. I made a face.

"Hey don't be jelous you said be nice so I am."he replied which made everybody laugh. I swear if look's could kill he'd be dead.

"You wish I was."I said looking at him. And he came closer.

"Oh really so you wouldn't mind if like a random girl hit on me and I don't know gave me her number and then proceeded to flirt with me?"he asked leaning in closer.

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