Chapter 35

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Clary's Pov..

"You know considering what happened at a party a year ago we probably shouldn't be socializing."i replied.

"Well I always was a rebel."Lucas replied.

"Hmh I guess you always kinda were."I replied laughing.

"Well what can I say right except that i'll have a beer please."he replied looking at the guy.

"Here you go."the man replied.

"Thank you."Lucas said wiht a smile.

"Wow please and thank you are you sure you feel okay?"I said sarcastically.

"Wow thank's princess that really makes me feel better."he replied taking a drink from his beer.

"So anyway wheres your boyfriend?"he replied picking up his beer. I lifted my eyebrow at him.

"What i'm curious so where is Blake?"he asked. I took a nice long drink of my beer and said.

"I don't knnow you tell me."I replied looking at him. He smirked and said

"You got me I saw him talking to some guy's outside. You know you'd think because he's trying to get another girl and pretending to date you he would be here with you instead of me. Hmh I don't think that look's good in the eyes of the people."he said taking another drink.

"What do you mean?"I replied.

"I mean that he's trying to get a girl right. So I am talking to you while your datung him. As in me your ex. Also that he is not here with you so you are in a relationship you are at a party talking to your ex. Doesn't look so good from any point of view."he answered.

"Oh yeah that eh never really cared about what people thought so whatever."I replied taking a drink from my beer.

"I know you don't which is great but shouldn't you guy's be more comitted? I mean if he's trying to get another girl and he's doing that by dating you shouldn't he make it look like he's a good boyfriend?"he asked.

"Yeah I guess but i'm mad at him so no chnace of that. And plus he knows i'm mad at him so he's smart enough not to come near me."i replied.

"Wow never met a more complicated couple."he replied laughing.

"Oh please say's the guy who cheated on his girlfriend at a party where she busted him."I replied raising an eyebrow at him.

"Touche'."he replied lifting his beer to take another drink.

"See I am always right."I said to which he laughed.

"What?"I asked not finding it funny.

"You are not always right princess. Sometimes you are but not always. And plus being right is overrated."he replied.

"True to that."I replied taking another drink.

"Can I get another beer please?"I asked the guy.

"Here."he replied

"Thank you."I replied smiling.

"Anyways I should go talk to other people don't wanna look like an asshole."lucas replied getting up.

"Ha to late for the asshole thing but good luck."I replied to which he mouthed haha and left. I rolled my eyes.

Let's say around 10:30pm I wasn't exactly in my right state of mind.

"Okay."I said before I threw the ping pong ball.

"Yes. Drink up losers."I yelled as I made the opposing team drink beer. Let's say drunk me is kinda more out there in a way. I was in a middle of a serious game of beer pong. So the team made the shot and I had to drink I was about to make my shot when a girl came up to me. Well she kinda stumbled and fell but still she seemed a bit more out of it. So you know being nice and all I took her to the bathroom. After she had thrown up I gave her water.

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