Chapter 9

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A few minutes later...

“Ok fine fine Haleigh I give up.”I said putting my hand’s up in surrender.

“So start talking like now.”Haleigh said giving me death glares.

“Ok so when I was with Clary I sorta tripped and fell on her and I was so close to kissing her when Lui yelled out munchkin. And now she’s gonna do anything to avoid me.”I simply said.

“Wow just wow. Lui.”Haleigh said.

“Yeah babe?”Lui asked.

“I’m glad you called me.”Haleigh said with a smug smile.

“Wait what are you gonna do?”Blake asked alarmed.

“Calling Gaby and Nicole they need to know about this cuz umm they will find out and when they do they won’t be happy you know.”Haleigh said taking out her phone.

“Yeah you have a point there.”Blake replied. When the girl’s got there Haleigh explained everything.

“What the fuck man what the actual fuck.”Gaby half shouted half whispered.

“I don’t know ok it just sorta happened but it didn’t so yeah.”Blake said scratching his neck.

“Well try not to let it happen uh again idiot.”Nicole snapped.

“Hey like I said I don’t know why I did what I did ok.”Blake said.

“Well either own up to it or talk to her about it and don’t do the bull shit she hates when you try to not show emotion Blake.”Nicole snapped again.

“Shit Nicole ok.”Blake said backing up.

“Well I think Clary will avoid you bro I mean you were about to kiss her and steal her first kiss.”A voice said.

“Nice of you to join us Drew and let me guess Dwayne.”Blake guessed.

“Sup mate me and Drew were walking more like ditching class when we heard you guy’s having a meeting about Clary especially and did not invite us.”Dwayne scowled at Blake.

“Sorry mate Haleigh didn’t call you guy’s but you're pretty much filled in on everything.”Blake replied.

“Yeah well thanks for telling us everything your self.”Dwayne scuffed.

“Mate you're such a drama queen.”Lui replied.

“Shut up.”Dwayne replied.

“Anyway back to the topic as in Clary.”Drew said annoyed.

“Blake.”They said in unison.

“I have no idea.”Blake replied.

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