Chapter 14

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Blakes Pov..

“Ok thats better. Now what is it?” Clary asked.

“He’s what?!”Clary asked tensed up.

“No i’m fine. When does he get here.” Clary asked impatiently.

“Saturday. Great the day of the party. Do you know if he’s going?”Clary asked nervously.

“He is ok thanks wait do the rest know? They do ok thanks bye Nicole.”Clary said hanging up.

“Girly you ok you seem tense.”I asked her nervously.

“Yeah i’m fine Nicole just told me a good friend is coming back to finish senior year.”She answered looking at me with a fake smile. I saw the way she gritted her teeth when she said “good friend”.

“Oh ok so now might not be a great time for the favor or?”I asked stupidly.

“No I mean yes i’ll be your girlfriend.”she replied stuttering.  

“Wait I didn’t even ask you yet.”I replied chuckling.

“Ask me what?”She asked confused.

“Will you be my girlfriend girly?”I asked smiling.

“Of Course idiot now let’s make that girl want you.”she said teasingly.

“Thanks girly.”I said smiling and gave her a kiss on her temple.

“No problem just don't kiss me again.”She replied teasingly but not the last part which I founnd amusing.

“Well to bad you're my official girlfriend and we have to act like a couple even though we are but you're helping me with this favor. And so I get to kiss you anytime I want anywhere I want” I replied smiling.  

“Uhh fine.Your a jerk you know that right.”She replied.

“You look cute when you blush you know that.”I replied smiling down at her.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”Clary asked.

“Because you're beautiful.”Blake replied.

“Oh god no.”Clary replied laughing.

“What?”Blake replied confused.

“You just quoted the fault in our stars.”Clary replied through laughs.

“Oh.”was all Blake could manage.

“Yeah but it was cute.”Clary replied smiling.

“Thanks. We should probably change every social thing as in a relationship.”Blake said nervously.

“Yeah ok. There done. You? Okay now let's take a picture so I can put it on instagram.”Clary replied.

“Done?”Blake asked. “Yeah done. Now caption: Me and my jerk.”Clary answered.

“Ok let me comment: me and my girly. Ok there it’s official.”Blake replied.

“Ok now i’ma go Haleigh is gonna ask questions. Bye see you tomorrow.”Clary replied walking to her car.                                                                                                                   

 “Ok bye but first .”Blake answered pulling her towards him by the waist..    

“Wha-”I cut her off.

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