Chapter 44

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Clary's Pov...

"Well just one more day until prom." Nicole replied smiling.

"Dont worry that one day will pass by so fast you wont even know it."I replied smiling.

"Yeah so how was your meeting with that girl from one of your college choices? "Nicole asked.

"It went great I think I made a great impression on her."I replied.

"Well hope you get in."Nicole replied.

"Thank you."I replied.

"So what time should we meet at your house for prom? "Nicole asked.

"Well prom doesnt start until 8:00pm and it doesn't end until 12:35a.m. So I think we should get ready around 2:35. Well depends what were gonna do as well."I replied.

"Sounds great."Nicole chirped.

"Okay than tomorrow my house 2:35."I replied.

"Why dont we just spend the weekend with you."Arlynne replied.

"Thats a great idea."I replied

"Okay so we'll just ask our parents and yeah."Gaby replied.

"Okay cool."I said drinking my soda.

"Okay my parents said yes."Arlynne replied putting down her phone.

"Mine too."the rest of them said.

"Oh by the way Clary my parents asked when they would see your mom."Arlynne replied. Thats when everyone fell silent. They all stared at me and Arlynne.

"Umm I--I dont talk to my mom. "I replied.

"Oh sorry it's just you know she was almost always there at least when I was there so. Yeah I'm going to stop talking now."She replied.

"No its okay. Ahm I dont usually talk about h er because first she is never around and I just dont like talking about her. And second nobody asks about her. So I'm glad you brought it up."I replied. Nobody said anything so I spoke again.

"Well leta see mom. Touchy subject. Umm never really there dad either so I think they dont rely have to be called that. I mean her name is Sophie and his name is Frank. So you know they might be my parents biologically but they are never really going to be my parents. So I mean you cant really call someone mom or dad if they never check up are never there and just dont care. So yeah parents thing is a touchy subject."I replied eating my pizza which was like my third slice but eh.

"Sorry I said something."Arlynne replied.

"Don't sweat it. I mean I bet you all wondered at some point or another. So it doesnt really matter. "I replied.

"So it doesnt bother you?"Arlynne asked.

"I would be lieing if u said it didnt but I dont really think about it. And plus I know not to look forward to seeing either of them a graduation. I mean they werent at my elementary one or middle school one so they probably wont be at this one either. Anyway 7th period is almost over thank goodness for having p.e last period. So enough about deppressing talk lets go to my house."I replied getting up.

"Okay."Arlynne replied and everyone else got up. We arrived at my house to find the guys watching a movie and talking. Well the movie ended when we got therw but still.

"Hey bro."I replied giving lui a hug.

"Hey sis."he said hugging me.

"The girls are going to stay over."I said looking at him.

"Oh thats great so are the guys and obviously me."he replied looking at me.

"Okay so I guess haleigh is going to sleep in your room."I replied with a smirk.

"Yeah and I guess Blake is going to sleeping in yours."he replied.

"See you just said a guy whos my boyfriend is going to be sleeping in my room. And your my older brother good job."I replied walking towards the couch.

"Nice great too know I have your approval. "Blake replied laughing.

"Shut up."lui replied smacking him in the back of his head. We pretty much stayed up untill one in the morning and we finally decided to go to bed.

My phone rang and I answered it.

"Hello?"I asked.

"Hey clary."he answered back.

"Hey first what do you want and second what are you doing up at this hour?"I asked.

"Okay what I want is to go over the plan for tomorrow and second I could also ask you the same."he replied.

"Okay yeah true. But why do you wanna go over it I think you got it down."I replied laughing.

"Yeah I know but I'm nervous. So yeah. "He replied.

"You nervous wow. Thats a first."I replied laughing.

"Hey dont take an advantage of you being a weird exception in my life that I can open up too. Or I'll take it back."he replied.

"Okay okay. Well you are going to be on the road at 9:00 because we will be there at around 9:30. Then you will get there around 9:35. You wait until I call you. Where I will be with my friend and she will see you. Like you know were facing the entrance and boom you appear. Got it?"I asked.

"Yeah okay well I should let you get to sleep. So I'll see you tomorrow Clary."he replied.

"Okay bye see you tomorrow. "I replied and hung up.

"Was that your friend? "Blake asked.

"Yeah we were just going over something for tomorrow."I replied getting into bed.

"Oh cool. By the way umm the girl I'm trying to impress she texted me saying she hopes to see me."he replied looking at me.

Blakes Pov..

When I told her she just stared.

"Oh cool so are we like breaking up tomorrow during or after prom?"she asked.

"Oh umm. I dont know."I replied. Yeah things got awkward so I just went to sleep I didnt really know what I was expecting.

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