Chapter 10

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Clary's Pov..

Two month’s went by in a blur. I avoided Blake at all costs. It’s easier said than done believe me. Do you know how hard it is he goes to the same school, same classes no wait all a classes,and we have the same friend’s, and avoiding text’s and call’s as well. I guess I have to talk to him. Totally not my decision by the way. Haleigh practically forced me to talk to him on monday. Which is tomorrow. Yay so exciting.(So not true).

As I walked wait no I meant literally ran passed Blakes house I could feel that today was gonna be a long day. When I was passing I couldn’t help but notice that someone was staring from the second floor and my guess it was Blake. I mean who else would stare right. As usual I plugged my earphones in my ears. Full volume as always. You know that feeling when you feel like someone is staring or following you. Well I did I felt like I was being followed so I picked up my pace. And I still felt like I was being followed. I finally decided to just turn around. And what did I see there you may ask. A smiling Lui waving like an idiot.

“Hi munchkin.”Lui said smiling ear to ear.

“Hi brownie.”I said giving him a weak smile and wave.

“What’s wrong.”Lui asked with a frown.

“Well your girlfriend practically forced me to talk to Blake.”I said dryly.

“Eyy what can I say you just gotta love her for that right.”Lui said while laughing.

“Yeah the whole group know’s ya know it’s not something you can actually hide from us. And by us I mean my FBI girlfriend.”He said chuckling.

“Got that right.”I said.

“I know i’m awesome.” A voice suddenly said.

“Haleigh?”I asked.

“The one and only bitch.”She said smiling.

“Yeah well you're the only bitch I know.”I said innocently. 

“Yeah yeah I love you too you fucken asshole.”She replied sticking her tongue out.

“Hey your boyfriend is like right here and you don’t even say hi or not even give him a hug. You're the worst girlfriend ever.”Lui pouted.

“Aww are you feeling left out?”Haleigh asked amused.

A little.”Lui said sounding like a 5 year old.

"Come here.”she said opening her arm’s. Just when she was walking towards him she turned to me.

“Haha she loves me more than you.”I said sticking my tongue out at him.                     

 “Fuck you.”Lui mouthed.

“No thanks that’s what you have her for.”I said teasingly.

“Hey.”Haleigh replied hitting me on my shoulder.

“Now he’s my favorite.”She said walking to lui and giving him a hug.

“Haha see she loves me more than you munchkin.”he replied by sticking his tongue out at me.

“Yeah whatever love bird’s care to walk.”I asked sarcastically.

“Oh shut up just because your bitter about what happened a year ago doesn’t mean you have to take it out on us.”Lui replied teasingly. But that didn’t really settle great with Clary.    

 “Yeah you're right I don’t Lui and oh yeah do me a favor and fuck off.” Clary said more like yelled. And Like that she turned around put her earphones on and walked away.                                  

 “Nice going. Now you won’t have anyone giving you candy or someone you can call munchkin stupid.”Haleigh said glaring at him.

“I was a dick right. And I should apologize right.”Lui asked her.

“What do you think but knowing her she won’t talk to you for about 1-2 week’s. Ha good luck.”Haleigh replied walking away.

“Oh come on not you too you're my girlfriend. Youre supposed to stay with me.”Lui pouted.

“Yeah well you better at least try to say sorry at least at the party when she’s drinking.”Haleigh replied.

“Oh yeah it’s on saturday right.”Lui asked as he grabbed her hand.

“Yeah I hope she goes since she hasn’t done any group activity lately because of Blake.”Haleigh replied.

“Yeah the poor guy looked like a lost puppy when she wouldn’t give him the time of day. I don’t even know how she manages it.”Lui said chuckling.

“What do you mean how does she manage it?”Haleigh asked confused.

“You know avoiding him. And he’s in all her classes and when we all hang out together. I mean I think that part is easy since she doesn't really let us in anymore. She just puts in her earphones and presto it’s like she’s gone and not even there.And not to mention she spaces out as well. I feel like she does that on purpose to avoid looking at us or Blake. And lately she’s lost in her thought’s in her own world. I can’t believe i’m saying this but I never though Blake was going to be the one to bring her back to us and also take her away from us.”Lui finally finished.

“First wow and second yeah. When he became friends with her and us he slowly brought her back to us. But who knew he would also be the one to take her from us too. She has been lost in thought lately and it’s like she isn’t there anymore. To tell you the truth it kinda scares me. And all her fucked up boyfriend’s from the past that broke her heart.”Haleigh finished when they were in the front of the school.

“Come on i’ll walk you to class.”Lui said pulling her hand.

“Well this is my stop i’ll see you later.”Haleigh said before giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.                   

 “Can’t wait.”he said giving her a teasing smile and kissed her cheek back and left.

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