Chapter 28

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Clary's Pov..

"Oh."he replied a little bit sad.

"I defended you because he was wrong."I replied punching him playfully on the shoulder.

"Wrong about what?"he asked confused.

"You. He was wrong about you."I replied. He was even more confused now.

"He was saying some bad thing's about you. And it was wrong. I was wrong I-I. Shit well when you left I might have said I curse  the day you were bron, I said some other bad word's like asshole,bastared,son of a bitch,and so on but you know just to name a few. And I guess he remembered them." I replied looking away from him.

"Oh."he replied a bit taken back.

"Shit sorry I didn't mean too upset you."I answered.

"You don't need to apoligize.You were great I was never really that great."he replied looking away then back at me.

"You were great and then I don't know something happened."I said.

"Yeah well the past is the past what can you do nothing."he simply stated.

"Yeah I guess you can't really do anything. I mean what can you do really. Nothing juat wonder what could have been. Everybody does it."I replied bluntly.

"Yeah everybody does it."he replied a bit distant.

"Well I guess not everybody but the majority do."I said.

"Yeah but I mean i'm pretty sure everybody does it. I mean I don't even know."he replied sighing.

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