Chapter 17

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“Well I think we should um get going right guys.”Dwayne said awkwardly.

“Yup.”they said in unison.

“Whatever.”Blake scuffed. He turned around walked towards the car opened the door and slammed it shut when he was inside.

“Well that went well.”Lui replied sarcastically.

“You think.”Clary replied with the same level of sarcasticness.

“It’ll be fine munchkin you’ll see.”Lui said kissing her head and ruffling her hair.

“I hope so.”Clary sighed.

“It will don’t worry babe.”Drew said giving her a hug.

“Whatever.”Clary replied.

“I swear you and Blake have the same attitude you guys are perfect together just get married already.”Haleigh replied rolling her eyes.

“Yeah we are almost the same and he wont let it go that easily. Trust me. I wouldn’t.”Clary huffed.

“Everything is gonna be fine babe he’ll get over it. Now lets go to the amusement park.”Haleigh shouted.

“Fine.”Clary said annoyed.

“Thats the spirit.”Haleigh said sarcastically.

“Wait.”Clary said reaching out to Haleigh.

“What's wrong?”Haleigh asked confused.

“The flowers.”Clary replied looking at all of her friends.

“What about the flowers?”Drew asked confused.

“You guys need to know something about them and what came attached to them.”Clary stated.

“You're scaring me munchkin. What is it?”Lui asked concerned.

“The flowers that were delivered to me in the morning were from Lucas.”Clary said looking down at the floor.

“That bastard.”Lui said clenching his fists.

“Lui calm down.”Haleigh said grabbing his hand into hers.

“Fine. What was attached to it Clare?”Lui asked squeezing his girlfriend's hand.

“There was um a note.”Clary said staring at Lui and looking back at her friends.

“And what did this not say?”Lui asked irritated.  

“Wait let me take it out. Ok it says: Well well dear Clary. Long time no see. Well you can’t actually see me. Last time you did I recall I was told not to go anywhere near you by Lui. Well things change now don’t they. Tell him I say hi and also tell your good friend Haleigh I say she looks good and can do so much better than her boyfriend. Who is it oh yes Lui. I wish them the best of luck. As for you. Tell Blake I say hi as well. Oh wait tell all your friends in your little group I say hi how rude of me just to say hi to the my three main favorites. Can’t wait to see you.-Lucas.”Clary said looking back up from the note.

“I’ma kill that bastard if he comes near any one of you girls. If anyone of you guy’s as in you Clary, Haleigh, Nicole, and Gaby. If he does or says anything you tell me, Drew or Dwayne. Understood?”Lui asked. All 4 nodded their heads.

“Good now lets get the hell out of here. And also Clary if he sends more presents tell all of us if not tell me, Drew or Dwayne. Heck at this point even tell Blake. He’s gonna get more pissed when he find’s out the whole truth especially if he finds out about Lucas sending presents with little notes as well.”Lui finished and walked over to his car and got in followed by Haleigh. The rest got in their cars as well leaving Clary standing there lost in her thought’s. A tear trickled down her cheek but she wiped it away and turned to walk towards the direction of the car.   

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