Chapter 41

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Clary's Pov...

"Hey guess what season it is."Nicole yelled out as she got closer to the table.

"Umm it''s spring so spring season."I replied taking a sip of my soda.

"No well yes but it's prom season."she shrieked whiched caused us to cringe.

"The way I see it you are the only one thats really excited."I replied.

"Well prom season is kinda cool."Arlynne said.

"See Arlynne thinks it's cool."Nicole said eating her food.

"You didn't let me finish I said prom season is cool because girl's get so crazy. It's hilarious to watch thing's go from bad to worse. And they just have the idea of a perfect prom when in reality it wont be and yeah. Yay prom season."she replied.

"'You should have just stuck with prom is cool."Nicole said and continued eating.

"Yeah well I speak the truth."Arlynne replied.

"Aww your crushing the hopes and dreams of your friends. Your fiting in already."I replied giving her a hug.

"Thank you."she said.

"Well Nicole I am sorry were not as excited as you but I'll do u a solid. All of us and by all of us I mean our group will attend prom. How's that?"I said looking at her wide eyed.

"That would be awesome thank you."she yelled out hugging me.

"Okay calm down I must warn you the guys aren't gonna be so happy about it."I said eating.

"Well then I guess I'll just have to make them be happy about it."Haleigh replied smiling.

"I guess you will."I replied smirking.

Blakes Pov..

"Prom?!"the guys and me shouted.

"Yes prom. Come on you guy's we never went before and it's senior year also it's for Nicole."Clary replied.

"I know you told us it's for Nicole but why do you think we never went before. It's boring and not for us. Even when I was dating that one girl I forgot her name not the point. She asked me to go to prom and I said no. See nothing will make me go."I said looking at her.

"Fine."she replied.

"Goo- wait what?"I said confused.

"I said fine don't go."she replied once again.

"You serious?"I asked doubtful.

"Yeah sure I hope you like drinking beer alone."she replied and left. Damn there really is no way to win. 

"Okay well I know i'll be going."Lui said followed by two more me too's. I was the only one not going. That sucked.

2hrs Later.

"Hey clary?"I said threw the phone.

"What do you want Blake?"she replied.

"I want you too come out to your balcony."I replied.

"What?"she asked.

"You heard me come out side to your balcony."I replied once again.

"Fine you asshole."she said I heard her get up and the noise in the background. I saw her open the two balcony doors. She stared at me.

"What do you want ?"she asked looking at me.

"I want you to look down towards the grass."I replied.

"Fine but this better not be something stupi-"she replied.

"Now what was that about it being stupid?"I said walking towards her house. See basically I was in the middle of the street and I was like what 20 yards away or so. 

"Roses?"was all she said.

"Yeah roses."I replied smiling.

"Nice very nice."she replied looking at me. I walked closer.

"So is that a yes?"I asked.

"A yes to what?"she said jokingly.

"You know what."I replied rolling my eyes. I wrote will you go to prom with me in roses on her backyard. Which sounds easy but not really because A. it takes along time especially for one person and's wind today so you can just imagine how hard that was.

"Well I dont know i'll think about it."she replied.

"I see how it is."I replied climbing up her balcony.

"What are you doing?"she replied looking down and stopped when I was infront of her face.

"I'm going all romeo and juliet and plus it was fun."I replied with a smile.

"Okay so what are you doing?"she asked like I was crazy.

"Will you go to prom with me?"I replied pulling out a rose from behind me.

"Yes I will go to prom with you Blake."she replied taking the rose and kissing me on the cheek When boom. Fireworks like seriously I had fireworks.

"Fireworks huh."she replied smiling.

"I had a feeling you were going to say yes."I replied smirking.

"Hmh that's nice."she replied laughing. After that we spent 2 hours talking and I finally went home.

Clary's Pov..

He's an idiot but it was sweet. There was just one person without a date to prom and I wasn't going to let that happen. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number.

"Hello?"the voice aanswered.

"Hey um you probably don't remember me but my name is Clary."I replied.

"Oh hey you went to  my old school right."the guy said.

"Yes anyway this is weird but are you going to your prom?"I asked.

"No."he replied.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"I asked.

"No."he replied I was actually surprised he didn't ask why I was asking.

"Do you have plans on friday three week's from now?"I replied.

"No I don't."he said.

"Good well I have somone who need's a date and you are going to be her date."I replied.

"Do I know her?"he asked.

"Oh trust me you know her."I replied smiling.

"Alright then Clary Rogers you have your self a deal see you on friday three week's from now."he said I could just see him smiling.

"Alright i'll keep in contact bye."I replied.

"Bye."he said and I hung up. This was going to be a a great prom. I smiled and went to take a shower.

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