Chapter 25

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Blakes Pov:

 Did she really just leave to go see Lucas? No she's joking. Fuck was that a car engine. Yup she left damn.

Clary's pov:

Who the hell does he think he is? I swear. Our place haven't been there in like a year I remember when he showed me it like it was yesterday..

Flash back to a year ago:

"Where are we going Lucas?"I asked annoyed.

"You'll see when we get there nerdy calm down."Lucas chuckled.

"First of all don't call me that,second of all you know I hate surprises." I complained.

"I know which is why I i'm doing this plus it's also a bonus."Lucas replied.

"Yeah well your an asshole."I answered.

"Yeah an asshole you love."he replied smiling.

"Yeah right."I replied rolling my eyes.

20 mins later..

"Were here."Lucas replied.

"Thank goodnes were here" I answered getting out of the car.

"You are so dramatic."Lucas replied putting an arm around me.

"Umm why the fuck are we in the middle of nowhere?"I asked.

"It's not nowhere its the forest."he replied pulling my hand.

"Okay but stop pulling anymore pulling and you'll rip my arm off."I replied.

"Maybe I will then i'll have a part of you forever literally.And plus your'e slow."he said with a smirk. 

"First eww and second not my problem."I replied walking.

"Okay then come on."he answered.

10 mins later...

"Were here lazy."he spoke pointing to the giant cliff.

"I am not laz- wow it's beautiful."I replied looking out into the beautiful view.

"Yeah me mom we used to uh come up here. And uh it's a pretty special place. it was our special place me and my mom. But she's gone so I don't really come up here anymore."he replied.

"Then why did you bring me up here?"I asked confused.

"Because this is a special place and your special so I brought you here."he answered.

"But i'm no-." I was about to say when he cut me off.

"You are special Clary don't ever let anyone tell you different. You are so special and talented you can draw, sing, play piano,and giutar, and you love writting.To me that's pretty special. So don't say your not special not when you have me."he replied looking derectly at my eyes.

"Oh uh thank's I really don't know what to say."I replied.

"It's okay just come here."he answered hugging me.

"Okay."I said.

End of flash back...

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