Chapter 37

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Clary's Pov.....
I got out of the shower and went into my room. I was glad when I didn't see Blake in my room.

After what happened last night I want to keep my distance. I got dressed and walked down stairs I heard talking half way down the stairs but when I got to the bottom it stopped.

"What?"I said looking at them.

"You look glowing."Nicole replied looking at me.

"Huh thanks I think it's called highlighter but I mean thanks." I replied looking at her weird.

"No it's not because of that."she said.

"Then what?" I asked confused.

"Umm you just look extra glowy today?"she replied avoiding eye contact with me.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked looking at them weird.

"The question is are you okay?" Haleigh replied looking at me.

"Umm I'm fine." I replied looking at them weird.

"Have you been feeling natious at all today?" Gabby said looking at me.

"Umm no my head has been hurting like a bitch stupid hang over." I replied walking towards a water bottle.

"Have you gained weight?" Nicole asked.

"Not since last time I checked." I replied looking at them.

"When was that?" Haleigh asked looking at me up and down.

"I don't know Haleigh because I don't weigh my self everyday. And what's with the stupid questions?" I replied getting irritated.

"It's just that we know you and Blake umm you know." Nicole replied.

"Of course you guys know. Nothing gets passed you guys oh wait yes did you know Lui is not only my best friend but is also my biological brother? No I thought so. Everybody in this group knows everything all the damn time. I bet even the guys know. So which one of you smart girls told them hmh?" I replied annoyed.

"So what is no one going to talk now because all of you guys sure wanted to know a lot a few minutes ago. What you wanted me to say oh I had sex with Blake and no it's not what you think we were both drunk and don't worry I'm pretty sure I'm not knocked up. Because you know Blake is always prepared so you know just thought I'd let you guys know." I said looking at all of them.

"If it makes you feel better all of us had a crappy time. And I'm pretty sure I hooked up with a guy that said hi to me in the bathroom." Nicole replied looking at me.

"Well that's an interesting story Nicole but nothing anyone says can make me feel better." I replied as I got out the door.

30 minutes later...

"You know not a lot of people would be up on a tree let alone be writing." A voice said. I looked down and it was the girl from the party.

"Hey." I replied smiling. I jumped down to the tree and shook her hand.

"So can I ask what you're doing here by your self like a loner?" She asked.

"I can ask the same." I replied smirking at her.

"Touché." She replied sitting down so I sat down too.

"No but seriously what are you doing here? She asked looking at me.

"Well it's a long story." I replied looking at her.

"I got time." She said smiling.

"Wow has anybody ever told you your life is so ineresting?" She replied looking at me.

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