Chapter 8

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Blake’s pov..

“Are you guy’s ok?”Lui asked staring at both of us in concern.

Clary was the first to answer“Yeah what would be wrong.”

“Yeah mate nothing’s wrong.”I replied.

“Really because right now you would be cocky and she would be telling you different and then you would say girly and she would say jerk and I don’t know you seem distant all of a sudden.”Lui replied.

“What brownie you couldn’t be more wrong see.”she replied pulling me next to her and wrapping an arm around me and me to her.

“See closer than ever.”She said offering a smile. But Lui was not stupid he looked at us suspicious but faked that he bought the lie Clary gave him.

“Well I would love to stay and chat with you guy’s but I need to get to class.”Clary replied letting go of me.

“Don’t you and Blake have all classes together?”Lui asked more like stated if you ask me.

“Um I think Blake might want to talk to you it seems like he does anyway.”Clary said. Obviously just an excuse not to be with or near me right now.

“Yeah I do Lui.”I replied playing along. Which I didn’t quite mind since I kinda did.                          

“Ok then bye brownie bye jerk.”She said and waved good bye before disappearing into the hallway.

  “Well that was just an excuse to not be with us so tell me what did you do to make her do that.”Lui asked.    

“Nothing.”I lied. Just then Lui pulled out his phone and called someone.

“Who did you call?”I asked intrigued.

“My girlfriend if I can’t make you talk then she will.”Lui simply stated.

“Yeah and what makes you think she’s gonna make me talk.”I scuffed.

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