Chapter 18

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Clary's Pov..

I should have just stayed with Lucas. None of this would be happening right now. Fuck life. Fuck my life. As we drove I looked out the window. Blake was still not talking to me. Every time I tried he would just say why don’t you ask Isaac. So I gave up. I must have knocked out because last thing I saw was Blake staring out into the road gripping the steering wheel. Then everything went black.

Blakes Pov..

I couldn’t help it. We are dating sure it was favor but we still are dating. I don’t know just hearing that a guy was hitting on Clary made me want to punch that guys face. That’s why when she tried to talk to me I kept saying ask Isaac. Eventually she gave up. She turned to the window and just stared out into the daylight. When I turned to look at her I saw she was fast asleep. I couldn’t help but smile. Man Clary what the hell are you doing to me. We’re barely going out for like 2 days and the girl already has an affect on me. I'm screwed.

“No!”Clary screamed as we reached the amusement park. I looked at her confused. I watched as she looked at her surroundings and ran her hand threw her hair trying to calm down. She final must have realized a I was staring because she turned to look at me. I saw her red bloodshot eyes. Shit she was crying.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              "What?"she asked softly.

  “Ask Isaac.”I replied locking my jaw. Fuck I shouldn’t have said that. When I mentioned it her adorable confused face turned into a scowl. She turned to grab her sweater. She got out of the car.

“Fuck you. You asshole.”Clary yelled tears falling out. And with that she slammed the door and ran to Haleigh. Who then scowled at me. I turned to see Lui looking at Clary then at me. He shook his head and walked my direction.

“What the fuck did you do to her you asshole?”Lui yelled when he closed the door of my car.

“Nothing.”I lied.

“Don’t give me that bullshit. Now what the fuck did you do or say Blake.”Lui said with a sneer.

“She might have yelled out no from her dream and then she turned to face me. And thats when I saw her eyes were red from crying? And she asked what and I said ask Isaac. She opened the door and said fuck you. You asshole and yeah.”I replied at my now glaring friend. Thats when he punched me.

“What the fuck was that for you areshole.”I asked rubbing my arm.

“For being a fuckin prick you asshole. I can’t believe that poor girl agreed to be your girlfriend or that she likes you.”Lui replied running his hand threw his hair shaking his head.

“She did tell you it’s also a favor right?”I asked confused about what he just said.

“Yup everyone knows and by that I mean only our little group.”Lui replied looking at our friend’s.

“Wait then why did you say that poor agreed to be your girlfriend and that she likes you?”I asked confused.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “Find that out yourself Blake. You want answers from Clary. Answers that burn in your mind. Things you want to know mate. You want answers admit stuff to yourself why you want them so bad. And no I don’t just mean because you want to know but why you want to know. Screw curiosity. Why Clary out of all the people did you choose to be your girl and not because shes a ‘good friend’ don’t give me that crap and don’t give your self that crap that you've learned to convince yourself with too. When you do that. Give her answers she's looking for too.” Lui replied looking out into the distance.

“What?”I asked confused.

“Your fuckin hopeless man I swear. When you answer your own questions about Clary and your fucking feelings about her or towards her you know how to hide so damn well. But sometimes it slips out and you do anything to cover it up even if it means hurting her. When you answer those you answer her questions she answers yours.”Lui replied looking at Clary then at me.      

“But I don’t have feelings towards her.”I replied unsure.

“Don’t give me that bullshit Blake if your gonna do Clary like that end this shit now even if  it’s just a fucken favor because at the end of the day it’s her who gets hurt not you.”Lui said pointing at me. And with that he got out of the car leaving me speechless.

Clary’s Pov..

I stared at Blakes car in the distance. I watched as Lui was pointing at him but then got out of the car. I panicked what the fuck did he tell him. When I took my eyes off of Lui I saw Blake staring at me. I turned around and went to Drew.

“Hey babe I feel like I haven't talked to you in like forever.”Drew said overly dramatic.  

“You are so weird I swear.”I said smiling.

“Normal is overrated and plus you're weird, Haleigh is weird, Lui is too, Nicole as well, Gaby definitely, Dwayne, and um Blake.”Drew replied saying Blakes name quietly as possible.

“Touche’. And plus like Dr.Seuss says : We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. Screw the last part.”I replied.

“Screw love? What why?”Drew asked confused.

“I learned a while ago after Lucas love is just another 4 letter word for pain. Pain and love are sisters and not matter how much sisters fight and say shit they’ll always be connected and they'll always be sisters no matter what.”I replied looking at Drew who looked at me like he was trying to figure me out.

“You really are something else Clary. I think I have a good quote for you it goes like this: Today you are you that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you.”Drew said smiling.                                                                                                                                                       

“Why thank you Drew.”I said bowing which caused him to laugh.

“Your welcome you royal babe.”Drew replied bowing and holding out his arm.

“Shall we?”Drew replied in a horrible british accent.

“We shall.”I replied holding my head up and looped my arm with Drew’s and we walked towards the entrance. When we reached my friends they were staring at us amused.

“What?”I asked confused.

“You guys are too cute.”Gaby replied winking at us.

“Oh.”was all I could say. I turned to see Blake glaring at Drew. But when he saw me looking at him his face softened. I turned around but when I did his face fell and it had a sad expression. Serves him right. Asshole.  

“So are we going now or what?”I asked excited.       

As we entered the park I looked up at Drew who was guiding me by the the shoulders. He looked down at me amused. Thats when I realized I was staring.

“Checking me out are we babe.”Drew said teasingly but yet very amused.

“No. Please I have a boyfriend.”I scuffed. What thats the first thing that came to my mind.

“Yeah the one you've been dating for 2 days and have already gotten into a fight with. Real good relationship you two have going on.”Drew said rolling his eyes and walking away towards our friends.

”Drew.”I extending my hand to keep him from leaving. I waited until the others couldn’t see us.

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