Chapter 13

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After school..

Clary was outside with a leg up against the tree arms crossed and sunglasses on.

“Well if it isn’t the bad ass herself.”An oh too familiar voice said.

“Shut up Blake.”Clary replied.

“Wow girly that hurts.”Blake said clutching his shirt were his heart is.

“Yeah yeah. What did you wanna talk about?”Clary asked rolling her eyes.

“Yeah about that. I just wanted to say sorry girly. For everything. And no I don’t know about the whole one year ago thing. If that’s what you were thinking or worried about. I could see you got a bit tense when I said for everything so I just wanted to clear it up. And plus our friends wouldn’t tell me. But I know you're gonna tell me when you're ready. And I wont talk about girls infront of you if it pisses you off that bad.”Blake said looking at her straight in the eye.

“This would be a good time for you to say something girly.”Blake said nervously.

“Wow.”Was all Clary could say.  

"Wow? Girly will you forgive me"Blake replied questionally.

“Uh I-I-I mean yeah you're forgiven jerk.”Clary said stunned.

“Oh thank god I thought you were gonna yell at me and cuss me out then say no.”Blake said relieved hugging her. She tensed up but then relaxed.

“Ok Blake calm down. It’s alright. Now what do you need or want?”Clary asked pulling away from the hug.

“Why do you say that?”Blake asked confused.

“I mean what favor do you need. You clearly need or want one. So what is it?”Clary asked.

“Ok theres a girl but she wont go out with me. So I need a girlfriend. Then she will see how great I am. We break up and then I go out with her.”Blake replied.                                    

  “ Who’s the unfortunate one that’s gonna be your girlfriend?”Clary asked.

“That my dear is you.”Blake smirked.

“What! Blake no just no.”Clary replied.

“Why not I would do the same for you. Please it’s the last favor just please do this for me.”Blake pleaded.

“I- wait hold on.”Clary said pulling out her phone.

“Hello?”Clary answered.

“Nicole?!”Clary asked surprised.

“Wait slow down I can’t understand you.”Clary said amused.  

“Sorry.”Nicole replied sheepishly.

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