Chapter 48

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Clary's Pov..

I opened the door and there she was. She looked up the second the door opened. I walked closer and closed the door behind me. I turned around and looked at her.

"How are you feeling?"I replied emotionless.

"A little dizzy but other than that fine."she replied. I don't remember the last time I heard her voice. It sounded different.

"Okay then."I said and turned around I opened the door and she spoke.

"Leaving already?"she asked with a sarcastic laugh at the end. Wow someone just flipped the bitch switch. She shouldn't have done that. I turned around and looked at her. If looks could kill she'd be dead.

"Wow you took one of my phrases for you wow great to go."I replied sarcastically.

"What's that suppose to mean?"she asked looking at me.

"Oh I think it means your a terrible mother."I replied with a smile.

"How could you say that I'm your mother."she replied.

"You your kidding right. You were never my mother nor will you ever be. You were never there. I ended up in the hospital last year and they called you and my father. And guess what neither of you came so next time you wanna say something think before you say it."I replied looking at her dead in the eye. I was so close to her face that I could hear her heart beat. Then next thing you know she slaps me. I cringed. I looked up at her.

"Fuck you."I replied walking away.

"No I-I i'm sorry I didn't mean to do that."she replied to late. Too damn late.

"You know what you can take your apology and shove it up your ass for all I fucking care. By the way I changed my emergency contact. Don't worry you wont get any call's about me so you don't have to worry not that you do anyway."I replied coldly.

"Who's your emergency contact now? Your father."she asked. I smirked. I walked closer to her and whispered in her ear.

"Oh how sweety but you guy's were never my parent's so why would any of the two of you be my emergency contact? No you see my new emergency contact is my brother Lui. Yeah so now if I ever end up in the hospital he get's called. Oh by the way did I tell you I found out I have a brother yeah they told us when he took the DNA test so they would let him in to see me since only family members could be let in. Guess the cat is out of the bag isn't that right mother. Oh and by the way just to let you know i'm moving out the house it's getting to boring and it's lonely. Well I mean I am going to miss the alcohol well maybe i'll take some to my new place. So that I could sleep around and get out of your hair. Oh yeah before I go I should tell you I cut class well seventh period P.E. Umm what else oh yeah I sleep around man I can't remember the amount of guy's that have been in my bed, oh yeah I drink, I just smoked pot like three hours ago maybe, I have thrown a lot of parties that had underage drinkers and some probably had drug's one them well the stoners mostly though their actually really nice people, oh I have recently found out I could maybe possibly be in love with Blake one of my best friends, I have a fake I.D well all of my friend's do, I have gone to club's with them yeah that's all."I replied and pulled away. I smiled at her and walked towards the door.

"Why did you tell me that?"she asked. I turned around and looked at her in the eye and smiled.

"I just wanted you to know how screwed up your daughter really is. Your welcome mommy. Oh by the way don't you just love my prom dress?"I replied and left. Damn. I have to admit the only thing that wasn't true was the sleeping around thing I don't do that but hey she doesn't know that. I didn't get far until I broke down and cried. I walked towards the elevator and went to the roof. I pushed a bucket filled with water so the door wouldn't close. I looked out into the city. I saw all light's they sparkled well mostly because I had tears in my eyes but you know. I sat there for so long until I couldn't cry anymore not because I couldn't but because there was nothing left to cry about.

I sat there the air was cold and I was wearing a prom dress at three a.m in the morning all by myself on top of a hospital roof. How is this my life? I looked down at my feet they felt numb probably because i'm wearing heel's and it's freezing cold outside. I peered out towards the ledge. And I thought I could just go but where would that leave me? What would happen to the people I once knew and loved if I just poof died? What would they say and think? What would happen to my brother? I stood there for a long time just looking at the distance between me and the ground. Then I looked up at the stars. I smiled I always liked how they twinkled on the night sky.

"It's beautiful isn't it"a voice said behind me. I turned around and saw Lucas.

"Yeah. It sure is."I replied looking at him.

"I hope you weren't just trying to jump by the way."he replied looking at me.

"I was but then I realized a lot of people need me so I mean I didn't."I replied looking at him.

"You know what I like most about you?"he asked.

"No what.?"I replied.

"I like that you don't give a fuck about what people say or think and it's great because you can get pretty far with that and also it'll make you feel better."he replied.

"Very true but it's also important to know that yeah I don't know."I replied looking out towards the light's.

"Here."he replied and set something next to me.

"What is is?"I replied and then I looked down.

"Oh."I replied.

"Yeah I think you need it more than I do."he replied handing me the bottle. I took it.

"This is for all the people who don't give a shit about what anybody say's or think's of them and you know the fuckboy's out there. Cheer's."I said and raised it up. I put it on my mouth and chugged what was left of the bottle. I set it down and looked at him.

"Thank's."I replied looking at him.

"My pleasure."he replied.

"We should go back."I replied walking towards the door.

"Okay but first come here I want to show you something."he replied extending his hand.

"Okay."I replied and took his hand. He grabbed the bottle and pulled me towards the back of a fan. I didn't get it until I looked down. There was a beautiful display of decorated beer bottles and other alcohol bottles there was whiskey bottles,wine bottles,vodka bottles etc. They all had fake flowers in them. They also had glow in the dark paint on them. It looked beautiful. There was a bag full of fake flowers. I grabbed the vodka bottle from Lucas's hand and set it on the ground. I took a couple of fake flowers and put them inside the bottle. Each bottle had a date and the reason they were there. I grabbed a sharpie and wrote the date and then in parenthesis my mom. I looked at it and got up. We got back to my friends and I hugged all of them even casper.

"So does that mean it went great with your mom?"Blake asked and they all looked at me.

"No she actually slapped me. Yeah that explains the mark on my right cheek. Oh I also told her i'm moving out and that I found out I had a brother and said it was lui I also told her to fuck off and that because of her and my once dad I was totally screwed up. I said that I slept around, drank, smoked pot but that was once today, I cut class,and I think I said I threw party's as well yeah that's it."I replied. They all stared at me.

"Wow."Blake replied.

"Yeah well eh don't piss me off."I replied siting on my brother's lap.

"Yeah I know."he replied. And I scuffed. He smiled and it was then I realized he had dimples.

"Well this has just been the greatest prom don't you guy's think?"I asked. We all stared at each other and laughed.

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