Chapter 43

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Clary's Pov...

"I just cant believe we are about to graduate I mean two more months."I replied drinking my beer.

"I know right."Nicole replied.

"I just can't believe were going to college already."I replied.  Just than my phone rang.

"Wait. Hello?."I replied.

"I wouldn't be making plans already sweet heart. I suppose Lucas is watching over you like some watch dog he just pretends not to care about  you."a deep voice replied. I got up and walked away.

"Who is this and what do you want?"I replied.

"Well what I want is for you to turn in Lucas and I'll leave you alone. And my name is Duel."he said.

"Well Duel you must be out of  your fucking mind if you think I will ever do something that fucked up. You dont know me at all."I replied looking around.

"Your right darling I dont know you but I do know you care alot about your friends. I mean growing up in a house where niether of the parents are around. Ouch I mean what did you do when you graduated middle school. Looking at all the proud parents. While yoursbare nowhere to be found. Thats why you care so much about your friends. Theyre the only thing close to a family. "He replied. I didn't speak for a while so he spoke again.

"See Clary I guess I do know you. And I also know that you would do anything to keep tham safe. So I propose you hand over Lucas and no harm will come to you and your friends."he replied.

"Well take that proposal and shove it up your ass."I replied and hung up without another word. In retrospect I probably shouldn't have done that but I mean I always did things I probably shouldn't have done. I mean I slept with my fake boyfriend who also happens to be my best friend and the schools player

So I mean eh. I mean sure tha guy could probably kill us but I mean i'm being optimistic. So yeah.

"So who was that?"Haleigh replied. Great now everyone was looking at me the guys and the girls.

"No one."I replied sitting down next to blake.

"Really? Because you were talking on the phone for a pretty long time."Gaby replied.

"Yeah I know I meant no one important.  It was just some lady asking if I wanted to take a three minute survey. I couldnt get her to stop untill I said no and clicked."I replied.

"Oh yeah I got a call like that. "Blake replied eating his burger.

"Yeah annoying and by the way talking with your mouth full thats very attractive. "I replied.

"I know thats why I did it."he said kissing me on the cheek.

"Eww. You let grease thats disgusting."I replied as I whiped it of my face.

"Oh relax you wont die."he said laughing.

"Shut up and eat."I replied throwing my napkin in his face.

"Aren't you guys cute."

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