Chapter 15

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Clary's Pov..

"Wha-?"I was cut off by Blakes lips on mine. I pulled back and he smiled. Oh god people were starring.

“You are so damn lucky you didn't steal my first kiss. If you did I would have pumled you. And really was that necessary?”I asked pissed off.

“Yes yes it was actually get use to it girly. And it would have been a pleasure to steal your first kiss. But I thought well Drew said you have't had your first kiss”He smirked.

"Yeah well he's wrong he hasn't been here for 6 years he doesn't know. And for the record I don't kiss and tell unlike you. And I had boyfriends before ok i'm not so innocent as I used to be."I replied annoyed.

“Jerk.”I replied pissed off by his comment.

“Aw I can feel the love girly thanks i’m touched.He replied sarcastically.

“Whatever at least you won’t be jumped by Haleigh with questions. Speaking of which she must be at my house just waiting for me. Man but I bet you will too so have fun with that.”I smirked at him.

“Wait you really think she will?”He asked nervously.

“Yeah it’s Haleigh Lui will probably be happy for you, Nicole would be surprised, Dwayne will tease me, Gaby will too, and Drew well he will probably say something wise and call me babe and say about time or sum shit like that.”I replied proudly.

“Wow you really had this figured out right now?”He asked surprised.

“Yeah well i’m awesome speaking of which I really can’t wait to see peoples faces. Yup some girls would want to rip my head off cause i’m dating you others would think were perfect. Yay can’t wait but at least I have a day off.”I replied to Blakes amused face.

“Well girly only the future can tell.”He replied chuckling.

“Stop looking at me all amused and shit.”I replied hitting his shoulder.

“Ow ok fine you have an arm on you though.”He replied touching were I had punched him.

“I know right thanks. And I better get going Haleigh awaits with many many questions.”I replied smiling.

“K i’ll walk you to your car then.”He replied smiling.

“Ok.”I simply said shrugging.

“Malady.”He replied opening the door.

“Wow thanks.”I replied as I tiptoed to give him a kiss on his cheek.

“You're welcome.”He replied with an amused smile.

“See you tomorrow.”I replied as I waved goodbye and he did too.

20 minutes later…

As I walked up stairs I saw the door of my room slightly opened. That only meant one thing Haleigh was here.

“Hi Haleigh.”I said opening the door. To my surprise it was her and Lui.

“Umm hi munchkin.”Lui replied awkwardly.

“Sorry I had to bring him.”Haleigh replied nervously.

“Yeah well whatever.”I replied throwing my bag on my bed.

“Congrats by the way.”Haleigh replied staring at me.

“On what exactly?”I asked confused.

“You know when I said be nice and forgive him I didn’t mean go and date him. But if it makes you happy then I guess I approve but I will hurt him if he hurts you.”Haleigh replied seriously. That’s when I burst out laughing.  

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