Chapter 54

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Clary's pov:

We had school today unfortunately. I was getting ready when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."I yelled out. The door slowly opened and Blake poked his head in. I laughed at his action.

"Well are you just gonna stand there or?"I asked looking at him. He smiled sheepishly.

"Right sorry."he replied. I smiled at him.

"It's okay."I said looking at him threw the mirror.

"So umm. About about the other day." Blake replied nervously. I gulped.

"It's fine."I said at Blake's shocked expression.

"Wh-what?"he asked early confused. Go he looked so cute when he was confused. What?! No clary stop thinking like that.

So what if he has a perfect jaw line and his body god damn he was like a god under those cloths. I mean have you seen his six pack? And he has that v line. Like damn.

"Clary?"Blake asked pulling me out of my thoughts. Good thing too. Wouldn't want to repeat what happened the day we went to the party. I shivered at the thought.

"Sorry. What were we talking about?"I asked. Blake chuckled.

"About how you said it's okay. You know when I came in here the other day and well kissed you."he replied getting quite at the end.

"Oh."good one clary good one. I mentally slapped myself.

"Okay so we,we good?"Blake asked. I nodded.

"Yeah."I replied. Blake stood up and walked towards me.

He pulled me into a hug that gave me butterflies. He sighed. He smelled so good. He smelled like mint and old spice. I wanted to hug him forever.

"Good because I don't want to loose a friend."Blake murmured in my ear. And right then I could hear the sound of my heart breaking.

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