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Summary: After two years, two past lovers are reunited. The end result is one neither of them wanted.

The lights moving around the room were nothing compared to the darkness that remained in their absence and covered the majority of party goers in a sheet of darkness. Though pieces could be unveiled by the occasional brightness acquired through a phone screen or a camera flash, the majority of the time was spent cloaked in a false night.
The individuals sitting underneath that cloak thought little of the false privacy it provided them. They were all too familiar with the nightlife in which they took part in and knew that somehow, a picture could always be taken and a moment could always be misconstrued. There was no hiding. There was no privacy. There was only the flickering of strobe lights and the loud music blaring through the speakers. Some knew that better than others did. They understood the implications of living in a world that sat in wait for any mistake; any reason to grab the pitchforks and light the torches. Despite the love that their small town could hold for them, nothing was more captivating than a person being brought to their knees. Cheryl watched on in thought of this. She felt uncomfortable knowing the secrets she held could be released at any second. The secrets they all had, down to their very darkest, could be pushed into light causing a domino effect with their entire livelihoods as the final falling piece. It was unnerving, and so Cheryl watched in awe as others amongst her usual crowd danced blissfully along to the music as if they were in their bedrooms and not under the scrutinizing eyes of the rest of the town; eyes that never ceased in their hunger to destroy.
She glanced around the room noticing all who were around her. Jughead and Archie were drinking off to her left. In unusual fashion, they were without their girlfriends, but a quick look behind her clarified why. Betty and Veronica danced increasingly close to one another as the music played on. One might assume that there was something more occurring between the pair, but it was easy to see how both girls would stare deeply into the eyes of their respective boyfriends indicating the true reason for the "show". Josie danced playfully with the rest of the Pussycats as they were all too drunk to remember that they were on bad terms. Seeing all this, Cheryl realized that no conversation was to be had with any of these groups. So she sat in silence. She analyzed and ignored any attempt at conversation made by others in the parties participants. Tonight wasn't one of the nights she could warrant faking a smile for everyone in attendance.
"Could you stop being all sulky and broody over there? Someone's going to think you're angry or something." Cheryl heard the words, but it took her longer than normal to understand them. Her mind had been drifting above herself; as though she was flying. "And wouldn't it be a travesty if someone were to assume that anyone could actually have feelings other than happiness at one of these ridiculous blowouts." Cheryl responded coldly and it didn't take long for the speaker to sigh and turn away. Only then did Cheryl realize that Kevin had been the one talking and a wave of guilt rushed over her soon after given that this party had been planned and otherwise orchestrated by him. That feeling left abruptly though.

The party continued as usual, as it always did on summer nights when the towns youth had nothing better to do. It was filled with the same boring drinking games and aggressive dancing that never actually built any sense of romance or sexual appeal, but rather created a draining sense of annoyance every time the action consumed the dancefloor. For once, it would be nice for one of these parties to have something out of the box. It's not as if people can't just fuck and drink by themselves without some massing of sweaty peers to do so with. Before Cheryl knew it, her feet carried her out of the central hub of the party life and to the restroom without much thought. Though she had no reason to go, the concept of being there seemed more reasonable in her mind than people watching in the living room. People in this town rarely took kindly to gawkers, despite all of them staring intently at one another in secret hopes of witnessing a slip up any chance they got.

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