You don't understand Pt4

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Sunday morning breakfast was mandatory in the Blossom household. Cheryl assumed her mother did it just to terrorize her. It usually ended in them arguing or Penelope scolding her. So when she woke up that morning she was reluctant to get out of bed. She was still unsure if her mother had noticed her absence Saturday night. If she did, Cheryl knew that would become the topic of conversation. She could already hear the maid moving around in the kitchen. Which meant her mom was already awake.

Once Cheryl threw a robe on she made her way down the stairwell. When she walked into the kitchen her mother was immediately glaring at her. The maid ignored both of them as she continued to cook; long ago learning not upset Penelope Blossom. Cheryl sat down quietly at the table, holding her mother's gaze.

"Good morning, mother." There was no emotion in Cheryl's voice. It was always like this.

"I'm surprised that you joined me considering you've been missing all weekend," Penelope scolded as the maid set coffee on the table.

"I'm sorry, Veronica threw a get together at her home," Cheryl lied easily. "Her friend was in town and she wanted me to meet him." This seemed to peek Penelope's interest as she sat up straighter. She took a sip of coffee before answering her daughter. Everything was a power play to her.

"Did you think he was acceptable?" Penelope pushed on as the maid began placing more items on the table. Cheryl was glad that the food was almost ready. It meant she could eat instead of talking to her mother.

"Yes, he was very charming and from New York. He wore a suit while others wore casual attire. Classy." Cheryl's stomach turned at this lie. Nick was anything but charming. She just needed to lie to her mother so that Toni would stay safe. If she had told her mother what had really happen this weekend she'd be doomed. Images of Toni straddling her flashed quickly through her mind.

"That's good. You should attempt to see him again. Perhaps tomorrow," She added as an afterthought. This made Cheryl look up from her plate in confusion.

"Why tomorrow?" Cheryl questioned as she scooped eggs onto her dish. Her mother continued to drink her coffee, not making any attempts to eat.

"I have a client that needs me to attend an event with him. I won't be home until late and you are not to leave the house," Penelope sternly said. "You may invite Nick over, though. Only Nick. If I find out anyone else was here you won't want those consequences." Cheryl had to try really hard to contain her excitement. She was going to have a chance to be alone without the fear of her mother looming over head.

"Of course, mother." Cheryl began shoveling eggs into her mouth to keep from saying anything more.

After finishing the interrogation with her mother Cheryl spent the rest of the day in Thistle house. She knew it wouldn't be best to leave since her mother had known she was gone Saturday. Luckily, the talk of Nick seemed to have helped smooth things over for now. She couldn't believe her mother was going to allow her to invite a boy over. The woman was that desperate to have Cheryl around men. Maybe she could invite Toni over. It would be risky, but she was desperate to spend more time with the other girl. Cheryl didn't text Toni about it. Deciding to wait till tomorrow to talk to her about it.


The next morning it didn't take long for Toni to find Cheryl at school before classes started. Cheryl had been a bit worried about their first encounter. She was slightly concerned the girl would ignore her. Regardless of the fact they had been texting all day before. So when Toni approached her, looking tired but happy, she was relieved. She gave her own smile while closing her locker.

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