You don't understand Pt3

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Cheryl awoke to the feeling of fingers running through her hair. It felt good and she was reluctant to open her eyes. Especially, when the person started scratching her scalp gently. It only went on for a few more seconds before Cheryl's eyes flew open in fear. Everything that had happened the night before came rushing back. She did her best to manavur away from the person and immediately began looking for an exit. Before she could flee she turned her head and was met with Toni, who was staring at her with wide eyes.

"It's alright, Cheryl. It's just me, he's not here. I didn't let him hurt you," Toni said reassuringly. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed in the same outfit as the night before. "We're in one of Archie's spare bedrooms." Toni added when she noticed Cheryl still glancing around. Cheryl nodded and slowly sat back down on the bed again. She didn't have the guts to fully face Toni.

"What...what happened last night?" Cheryl asked quietly. She remembered the basics. Suddenly feeling drunk, being dragged up the steps, Veronica yelling. Until it eventually goes completely blank.

"I showed up to the party to back Jughead up. He wanted to confront Andrews about being a serpent. Sweet Pea and Fangs came, too. They thought the Bulldogs would immediately turn it into a brawl. It almost was until Betty stepped in," Toni explained and shook her head before continuing. "When I noticed you I could tell something was off. You looked lost. It was when I glanced over again and you were gone that I took off after you."

"Then what?" Cheryl mumbled out. In her mind, she knew that Nick hadn't managed to actually touch her. It still didn't make her feel any better about the situation.

"When I finally found you and Nick at the top of the stairs, I was furious. They way he just tried to brush me off I...." Toni trailed off, feeling her anger towards the boy coming back. When she looked into Cheryl's eyes she knew she needed to calm down. Getting angry would only upset her more. "Before I could do anything Sweets and Fangs showed up with Veronica. She realized what was going on and told us to make him pay. So, we did." Toni smiled a little at that. Remembering how Veronica didn't hesitate to jump into the fight. Cheryl was concerned at Toni's words.

"Y-you didn't kill him, did you?" Toni shook her head at Cheryl's words. The girl was clearly worried about what a murder would mean for them. Riverdale was a screwed up place where the bad guys often won.

"No, I wanted to, though. Fangs had to pull me off of him. I wouldn't stop swinging," Toni finished, looking down at her knuckles. There was blood from Nick's face and her own wounds. Her shirt also had his blood on it, but she kept her serpent jacket on to hide it. Cheryl tentatively reached out to grab Toni's hand and hold it lightly in her own. It was so gentle that Toni couldn't feel the pressure of Cheryl's hand, only the warmth.

"Thank you for saving me. I-I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't shown up," Cheryl said, staring down at their joined hands.

"Of course, I'm just extremely glad I was there," Toni began moving her thumb across Cheryl's knuckles as she spoke. The redhead didn't respond to taken by the way Toni was caressing her hand. It reminded her of when she first had woken up and Toni had been playing with her hair. Everything the other girl did made her feel cared for. She didn't want Toni to ever stop touching her.

Unfortunately, an interruption came a minute later in the form of Archie peeking his head into the doorway. Cheryl had instinctively pulled her hand out of Toni's and put them both in her lap. The boy looked between both of them with a light smile on his face. There was obviously sympathy in his eyes as he looked at Cheryl for a second too long. It was clear that Veronica had filled him in on what happened last night. He might have even gotten involved as far as Cheryl knew.

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