You used to love me once

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Warning! This one could trigger you. I was crying too when i wrote this.

You used to tell me that you loved me once

What happened,what happened?

Where is all of this coming from?

What happened,what happened?

Toni's Flashback

"I love you baby,you know that right?"Toni gave a short sweet smile before giving Cheryl a brain numbing kiss.Toni walks out of the door from then onwards,Toni had always came home drunk and with another girl's perfume,fully intoxicated as she walked to the bathroom with sex hair,her lipstick obviously smudged.

"What happened babe?"Cheryl came out of their shared bedroom.

You say I'm crazy and there's nothing wrong

You're lying and you know I know

Babe what have we become?

What happened?

"Nothings up".Toni lied and it was so evident.


"I said nothing okay!You're so bloody crazy."Toni rolled her eyes,slamming the bathroom door shut.

"What have we become.."Cheryl sighed,walking into the bedroom.

We used to never go to bed angry

But it's all we ever do lately

And you're turning away like you hate me

Do you hate me,do you hate me?


"Cheryl! How many fucking times have I told you, I'm not sleeping with anyone!" Cheryl had heard that line at least 10 times this week. Toni groaned walking out of the bedroom after she took a spare blanket out.

"Toni." Cheryl's voice cracked and it stopped Toni from moving. "Do you hate me? Do you hate me so much?" Toni turned around,wanting to explain that she does not,but Cheryl cut her off before she spoke. "It's okay. I know you do.Just go." Cheryl shut the door and locked it,leaning against it before softly sobbing,holding her breath to not let loud screams and wails come out of her mouth.

She eventually slid down the back of the door,her hands covering her face as fresh hot tears fell from her eyes like a waterfall. A few muffled sobs managed to escape her mouth as she thought of all the times that they were happy and when they didn't go to bed angry at all,cuddling and spooning.

You,can take this heart

Heal it or break it all apart                      

No,this isn't fair

Love me or leave me here


Love me or leave me here


Love me or leave me here

"Babe,I'm sorry. I really am. I won't do it again." Toni knocked on their bedroom door. Cheryl took deep breaths before opening the door,meeting a blood shot eyed Toni.  Cheryl hesitated for awhile before she collided with Toni,their arms going around each other as Cheryl bawled into the brunette's chest,thinking that it would be this time that her heart would be healed.

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