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Cheryl missed her girlfriend.

Sure, she had just seen Toni last night, and she was already seeing her again at school no more than 12 hours later. But still, she missed her.

Cheryl wasn't used to this whole girlfriend thing. The fact that she had someone to call her own, someone to hold hands with, kiss, and just talk about absolutely anything with, whenever she wanted, was kind of overwhelming. To put it lightly, Cheryl grew a little attached to Toni. In all the chaos that had been her life, Toni was the one person who truly grounded her, and made her feel love and acceptance always.

Cheryl wanted Toni around as often as possible, and wanted to be touching her as often as possible too. Whenever Cheryl felt like everything around her was spinning out of control, the simple act of holding Toni's hand, or leaning into her in a booth at Pop's, was all she needed to calm down. Which is why as soon as Cheryl arrived to school, she made a beeline for her girlfriend, and wrapped her arms around her from behind as tightly as she could. Toni's smile immediately pulled at her lips when she felt those familiar arms around her body. "Hi, baby," Toni greeted softly, turning around so that the two could hug face to face. "Hi," Cheryl simply responded, focusing on the feeling of Toni's hands holding her around her waist, and the scent of the girl's vanilla shampoo lingering in her hair.

"Get a room," Sweet Pea teased from beside the pair, him and Fangs watching the couple with playful smiles. "Fuck off, Pea," Toni replied while pulling away from her girlfriend, but still keeping an arm wrapped around her while Cheryl moved to rest her head on Toni's shoulder. Sweet Pea smirked, "Whatever, Fangs and I have basketball practice anyway.""Later, lovebirds," Fangs spoke over his shoulder as him and Sweet Pea walked away. "You want to go hang out in the lounge before class?" Toni asked once the couple was alone. Cheryl nodded, and slid one of her hands down Toni's arm until she was holding her hand. She then began wordlessly leading Toni in the direction of the lounge.

Once they arrived, they automatically moved to the empty couch in the middle of the room. Toni sat down first, and while she was expecting Cheryl to sit down next to her, the redheaded girl instead placed herself down directly on Toni's lap. Toni chuckled slightly as she felt Cheryl's arms snake around her neck. "You ok, hun?" She asked after a beat, feeling slightly concerned at Cheryl's clingy behaviour this morning. Toni didn't mind at all, she just wanted to make sure nothing was seriously wrong. Cheryl nodded, and buried her face in Toni's chest. "I just missed you," she mumbled, but Toni heard her just fine.

"Baby, I saw you last night," Toni smiled, bringing one of her hands up to run it through Cheryl's long, red hair. "That's way too long ago," Cheryl argued with a breathy sigh, closing her eyes as she was feeling increasingly more relaxed as Toni played with her hair. "Well, I'm here now," Toni promised, and kissed the top of Cheryl's head before the couple both fell silent, just enjoying each other's company.It wasn't too long later that Veronica and Archie had also entered the lounge. Veronica, who had recently been obsessed with how cute Cheryl and Toni's relationship was, immediately brightened upon seeing the couple cuddled up on the couch. "Well, if it isn't my favourite couple! How is Choni doing this morning?" Veronica cheerfully asked as her and Archie took a seat on the couch facing opposite to the one the two girls were on.

Toni looked at Veronica with an amused expression, while Cheryl just grumbled into her girlfriend's shirt, annoyed that they've been interrupted. "We're great, V," Toni answered for the both of them. Veronica scooted forward on the couch, until she was literally on the edge of her seat, looking between a mix of curious and excited as she watched the couple. "You two are so adorable. I never knew Cheryl Blossom could be clingy, until you came around, Toni," Veronica spoke, referencing the way Cheryl was currently wrapped around Toni's whole body like a koala bear. For perhaps the third time that morning, a smile pulled at Toni's lips, and with one hand stroking Cheryl's hair, and the other one holding her around her waist, she said, "Of course not, babe."

Veronica eyed the pair, before looking over her shoulder slightly to share a knowing look with Archie. She turned back around a moment later. "Who's the more clingy one between you two, then?" She wondered, expecting the question to trap Cheryl. However, her plan didn't seem to work. Cheryl, while sitting on Toni's lap, with her arms around her neck, and her face still buried Toni's chest, simply responded, "Toni is, obviously."

Sorry this one is short but yeah... <3

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