Locker room

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Toni loves sleeping with Cheryl, her attentiveness, her tenderness, the way she speaks softly, adoringly, and teases so gently. It's intoxicating in the warmest sense, making Toni feel safe and oh so fragile every time she's brought to her release.

Cheryl likes to be guided, encouraged, assured throughout and, in turn, makes sure Toni always feels secure, feels heard when they're together.

This is how every time they've been intimate has gone, since their first time, it only gets better honestly, each new experience just as heavenly as the last.

Until one frustrating afternoon has Cheryl needing something else.


The squad had barely made it two thirds of the way through a particularly gruelling Vixens practice before Cheryl snapped completely.

"Jesus Christ! It's 5, 6, 7, 8" she emphasises, repeating herself yet again because of a certain leg movement that half the girls are still not grasping, somehow.

"This isn't fucking difficult, I've already had to adjust three parts of my choreography because you are so woefully incompetent, do you have any idea how much time and effort I spend putting this shit together? Only for you to be too fucking dim to-" Cheryl cut herself off, knowing it was ultimately pointless at this stage, she wasn't going to get any better out of them by now.

Running a hand though her hair and taking a breath of composure before barking her final words, "dismissed, get out of my sight" pointing at the locker room, stalking off towards the speaker as the gaggle of her peers scurry away almost comically.

Toni trails behind the group, waiting for her girlfriend with an apprehensive expression.

"You were stellar Toni, as per usual, it's the other imbeciles who can't keep up" Cheryl assures, smiling stiffly.

Entering the locker room any hushed conversations cease, leaving only a tense silence in their wake while the girls quickly change and make moves to leave without another peep.

Sitting on the bench Cheryl has her choreography notebook out, making a mark as to where the latest issue in her routine was and who in particular was falling so pitifully short.

She feels Toni's eyes periodically falling on the back of her head, while she riffled through her gym bag, stood infront of the open locker.

Growing even more frustrated at the amount of lines, arrows and adjustments, her page now overflowing on what was meant to be a perfectly simply routine if she was coaching people with even an ounce of talent.

Snapping the notebook shut Cheryl stands suddenly, grabbing her water bottle and taking a sip as the last girl lets the door swing shut behind her.

With a noise of sheer exasperation she throws her bottle in the direction of the door, rounding with an almost carnivorous glint in her eyes as they land on Toni, in only her black sports bra and snugly fitting training shorts, a sympathetic smile pulling on her oh so delectable bare lips.

"Toni" Cheryl manages to breathe, closing the distance and kissing her desperately, hungrily.

Toni responds to the kiss eagerly, her hands moving to interlock behind the redhead's neck, pulling their bodies flush against each other.

"Toni, I nee- I want, mmh" she can barely get the words out, grasping at the smaller girl's soft waist and backing her firmly against the locker.

"Want what?" Toni gasps, head spinning at the way Cheryl feels everywhere all at once, teeth nipping at her neck, hands gripping her sides greedily, a thigh slipping between her parted legs.

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