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"Hey, babe," Toni called over her shoulder as she heard the door shut. "I'll be done with this match in a few minutes."

"Was that a girl?" she heard someone say through her headset.

The pinkette rolled her eyes, "Yes, dickwad. And this girl is about to own your ass."

Cheryl laughed at the exchange as she placed her purse on her girlfriend's end table. They had been going strong for six months. Things had been great; they even exchanged keys the previous week. The redhead never became the gamer she had once pretended to be, but she was far from the novice she was on their first date. She now had her own Playstation Network account and played with her girlfriend often. Gaming was one of their regular past times, but it was far from Cheryl's favorite.

"Take your time, my sweet."

Toni muted her mic before addressing her girlfriend again, "You want to play something two player after this? I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind changing games."

"No," Cheryl replied. "You and your friends can keep playing that."

"You sure?"

The redhead hummed and nodded in response. She excused herself to the kitchen and helped herself to a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. Toni made a point to keep a few bottles stocked at all times due to it being Cheryl's favorite.

"Damn it, Sweets! Watch the friendly fire. You just killed me," Toni yelled from the living room.

Cheryl had wanted a romantic night with her girlfriend, but she should have known Toni would be absorbed in one game or another when she arrived. To be fair, Toni did offer to stop playing for her, but Cheryl, being the gracious girlfriend she was, refused.

She downed her wine before refilling her glass and grabbing a bottle of beer for Toni and making her way back into the living room. The pinkette had her eyes locked on the tv screen before her, unfazed by Cheryl's reappearance.

"Fangs, watch my back," Toni said as Cheryl sat down on the couch next to her. "I'm going after the flag." Cheryl placed Toni's beer on the table in front of them before taking a sip from her glass. "You sure you don't want to play something else, baby?" Toni asked, quickly glancing towards the redhead before back at the television.

"You're enjoying yourself."

"Yeah, but I'd enjoy myself more if I knew you were happy too," Toni explained. A moment later her character fell to the ground and the kill cam began to play. "Oh for fuck's sake! Fangs, I said watch my back!"

"I am happy, ma chérie. I'm with you," Cheryl replied. She reached forward and placed her wine glass on the table. The redhead turned to Toni and leaned over to place a kiss upon her girlfriend's cheek. "You just enjoy yourself."

Toni's character came back to life, and the pinkette nodded before once again focusing on the game. "Thanks, Cher. I promise I won't play all night."

"I know," Cheryl smiled. "You never do. I'll just... find something to keep myself... entertained... in the meantime."

"Sure thing," the shorter girl nodded, fixated on the screen before her. "Fangs, try to actually have my back this time. I'm going back in."

Cheryl leaned back into the couch pillows and sighed. There was nothing to do except watch Toni play and wait for her to get tired of the game, which she would eventually.

Minutes passed by, and Toni won her match, cheering into the headset. "Now that's what I'm talking about boys!" She opened the beer Cheryl had brought her and took a large swig as voices could be heard in the earpiece against her head. "Yeah, I'm down for another round," she responded into her headset. "I just can't play too much longer; my girl is here."

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