The Fucked List Pt7

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That's pretty much all that's going through Toni's head right now. Goddamn.

Whatever fucking pervert created their shorts for cheer is a fucking blessing. She'd like to personally thank him, also Jesus, because goddamn.

Cheryl's twisting her hips, body rolling with the movements she's been drilling into their heads and - holy shit - Toni can't fucking breathe. And when Cheryl's shirt rides way up her stomach? Okay, yeah, Toni's about ready to fuck her right then and there, she doesn't give a fuck who's watching.

So when Cheryl announces individual practice time, Toni figures this is her fucking chance. She pulls Cheryl aside, leaning close to her to hiss out, "meet me in the locker room asap."

Cheryl watches her girlfriend walk away, a rush of heat settling between her thighs. She barks out an order to her Vixens before following, her heart racing with anticipation. Oh, she'd seen how Toni was watching her. And maybe she was amping it up a bit because of that. (How could she not? Toni looked ready to pin her down right in the middle of the damn gym and Cheryl is honestly more than willing.)

As soon as she enters the locker room, she feels a body press her against the cold metal of the lockers and lips find her own in a heated kiss.

She groans, Toni's tongue slipping into her mouth and Toni's hands grabbing her ass. She hoists Cheryl's legs around her waist, pushing her against the lockers.

"Tease," Toni growls, separating to kiss down Cheryl's jaw. "Did you really think you could shake your ass in front of me like that without me wanting to fuck you senseless?"

"I was hoping for it," Cheryl murmurs, gasping when Toni's teeth find her pulse point.

Toni slips her hand into the waistband of Cheryl's shorts, pressing into her clit but not moving. Cheryl whines in the back of her throat.

"That wasn't very good of you, was it?" Toni husks. "Teasing daddy like that?"

"Then punish me." Cheryl purrs and Toni kind of loses the last shred of self control she had.

She grabs Cheryl's ass with the hand holding her up, and pushes two fingers into Cheryl's throbbing pussy with the other. Cheryl groans, head falling back against the lockers.

"Fuck-" the redhead hisses.

"You're fucking soaked," Toni bites into her, her fingers curling. "Such a bad girl."

"I'm sorry, daddy," Cheryl whimpers. "I just couldn't st- oh- stop thinking about you."

"Oh?" Toni uses her hips to press her fingers deeper into the redhead, earning a low groan. "What about me?"

Cheryl's quickly losing the ability to think and speak coherently. She bites the inside of her cheek to keep another moan at bay. They're in school, if she's too loud, she's probably going to get in deep shit.

"Answer me, Cheryl, or I'll stop." Toni warns, biting at Cheryl's neck and rolling her hips into the taller girl.

Cheryl gasps sharply. "I- you- your fingers. How good they feel in me. And- fuck- your tongue on my clit."

"You wanted daddy to fuck you?" Toni chuckles lowly. "You're being awfully quiet, babygirl. You know how much daddy likes to hear you."

Cheryl's hips twitch when Toni presses into her spot. "I- they might hear us-" she throbs at the thought, sick as it is.

Toni, of course, notices the pulse around her fingers and moves her thumb over Cheryl's clit. "They might," she grins. "But I don't think you give a shit, do you?" Cheryl lets out a quiet mewl when Toni's thumb circles her bundle of nerves. "C'mon, daddy wants to hear you. Who's gonna make you cum so good, baby?"

Cheryl moans, the noise much too loud for the quiet locker room. "Fuck- you. You're gonna make me cum, daddy."

"That's right, baby," Toni works on creating a dark hickey on Cheryl's neck, her fingers setting a brutal pace into the girl.

Cheryl is whimpering, noises spilling from her lips as she bucks into Toni's hand. Her chest rises and falls with each rapid breath, her back beginning to hit the lockers with quiet thuds as Toni pushes her fingers in with her own hips.

"Oh fuck. Daddy-" Cheryl whimpers around incoherent pleas. "Just- fuck- right there-"

"I just need to grab my water bottle," Betty tells Veronica. "I'll be right back."

Ronnie nods, and the blonde slips away towards the locker room. Her mind is miles away, totally not at all focused on Veronica and her maybe not-so-platonic feelings for her or her rising 'oh shit I might like girls' panic, so she slips into the locker room thoughtlessly. And then freezes when she hears a groan.

Um. Okay.

She slowly walks towards the first row of lockers when she hears it:

"Daddy- I'm- I'm so close-"

That's definitely Cheryl.

Oh my fucking God.

There's a soft metallic sound, something hitting the lockers. She hears a low voice, and Cheryl moans louder. Is she a fucking porn star because what the fucking fuck?

Betty is frozen, panic keeping her in place when Cheryl's moans reach a higher pitch. She hates to admit it, but, well- she definitely feels heat pool between her thighs.

There's more murmuring, and Cheryl is seriously going to fucking destroy her vocal chords.

"Fuck- daddy- right- oh fuck- daddy!"

This, Betty decides, is the perfect time to leave so she scurries out with a face redder than Cheryl's hair.

She nearly rams right into Veronica, who looks at her with a worried expression. "Um, you okay there, Betts?"

"Great." Betty croaks, totally not at all thinking about her and Veronica doing the same thing in the locker room.

"You look like you saw a ghost," Veronica notes.

"I-I, uh-"

Veronica is about to move past her when she grabs the brunette's arm, eyes wide.

"Literally don't go in there oh my god."

"What? Why?" Veronica studies her expression for a moment, then grins. "Oh my God, they're totally fucking in there, aren't they?"

Betty nods, blushing deeper. The poor girl's about to pass the fuck out.

"They're like a couple of teenage boys, holy shit." Veronica laughs and Betty lets out a strangled cough.

"Right. Um. C-can we never mention this? Please?"

"Sure thing, Betts," Veronica wraps an arm around the blonde's waist. "C'mon, let's go back over the routine."

Toni lowers Cheryl to the ground on shaking legs. Her body is thrumming with her release, her eyes still closed and a blissful smile on her lips.

Toni snorts. "Pillow princess."

Cheryl's eyes open, narrowed. "Did you really have to keep going when she walked in?"

Toni smirks. "You totally liked that she heard you."

Cheryl flushes red. "Shut up."

Toni cackles, pressing a kiss to her girlfriend's lips. "C'mon, let's get back out there."

(Betty avoids the pair like the plague, and Veronica spends the rest of practice laughing her ass off.)

(Cheryl decides to make them both run laps around the gym.)

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