Cuff Me?

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I don't know whats more frustrating; the fact that she had the nerve to come in here wearing that red dress, sizing up the place like I wouldn't know what she was up to. Or the fact that I am so incredibly turned on by her antics. We're better than this I know we are, but here we are playing cloak and dagger with each other and for what? Pride? My train of thought comes to a halt as I hear the all too familiar click of boots across the floor. Better to let her think she's getting away with something so I wait until shes crouched down on the floor unlocking the safe before I make my presence known. "Well what do we have here?" Busted. "Laying in wait for me? Colour me shocked." That's when I notice it. She's wearing that damn catsuit again. "Oh please. Earlier tonight you were casing the place and you wanted me to know it." Her reply comes quick in true Cheryl Blossom fashion without even batting an eye "So, what are you gonna do now? Cuff me?" All hopes of winning whatever argument we were in go out the window. My self control falters and my mind is flooded with thousands of dirty little fantasies inspired by those two small words. C'mon Topaz at least try to keep it up a little longer. I roll my eyes in exasperation and when they land back on the bratty redhead standing in front of me there I find it, my window of opportunity. Her tough girl facade crumbles for a split second and I make my way over to her. There's a sharp intake of breath when I reach to unzip the front of the suit. Gotcha. Our lips barely graze and she waste no time in grabbing the lapels of my jacket to peel it off my body. It infuriates me to know this is what she had planned all along but who am I to deny the tension that's been building between us for days now. She taste like a mixture of maple syrup and cherries, its intoxicating. I didn't think she had it in her but I find myself being pushed against the nearest table. She wants to take control but the question is "Do I let her?" Layer by layer our clothes fall away. It's in between the kisses that I realise I need her right now just as much as she needs me. Whatever had been sat upon the table previously is knocked to the floor in one quick sweep of Cheryl's hand right before she grabs my thighs and lifts me on top. She's desperate to have her way with me and I am drenched at the thought of that. She makes quick work of undoing the front of my jeans and...Fuck. This is without a doubt the hottest thing that's ever happened. I look up at her as she moves her hair to one side leaning down to press chaste kisses down my stomach. I am ruined. But somehow i'm able to pull myself out of my drunken haze long enough to remind her that i'm still willing to fight back.

I prop myself up on my elbows ever so slightly. "You couldn't possibly think I would let you have me so easily Cherry." She gazes down at me through long lashes and hooded eyes, her pupils blown from arousal. "Of course not T.T but I want you so badly. It's all I crave. I just want to make you feel good baby." Just like that I am lost to everything except for her. She drops down to her knees, grabbing my hips as she goes to pull me flush against her face. That's when I feel it. The smug grin that spreads across her lips in between the kisses she's trailing up my legs. Why couldn't she just savour the moment like a normal person? I would have gladly let her take me like this, splayed out in Veronica's speakeasy if she had done so a little more graciously. But I refuse to give her the satisfaction when she isn't fighting fair. Enough of that. I place my hands on her shoulders and push her back far enough for me to slide off the surface. "I let you have your fun. Now it's my turn." I pull out a chair while she stands back up on her feet. "Sit down." She's surprised at first but immediately does what shes told. "You've put on quite the show for me Bombshell, let me return the favour." Reaching for the closest thing I can find to serve my purpose, a ribbon hanging loosely around the microphone on stage. "Do you trust me Cher?" "Of course mon ange." "Close your eyes." I whisper as I tie the blindfold around her head. My dance starts off slow with me occasionally grinding my ass against her legs. But before she has a chance to get use to the rhythm I decide to switch things up and I press myself as hard as I can against her lap. The friction proves to be too much for her because she releases a breathy moan and her hands fly forward to my bottom. "Had enough yet?"

"Oh my god yes." I take one of her hands and slowly guide it to my centre. "Damn it Cheryl do you feel how wet you made me?" "Take off my blindfold Toni and i'll be more than happy to do something about it." I pull myself away from her and slip the ribbon from her eyes. We crash our lips together in a heated kiss and the room fills with the static of our need for one another. Somehow in the shuffle of sliding our bras off, removing underwear, and the kiss; we wind up on stage. Cheryl perched on top of me. I slip a hand down between us and my fingers glide through her slick heat. Cascades of auburn hair fall down her back as she tilts her head at the sensation. The sound leaving her lips drives me insane. I plunge two fingers inside her pumping them in and out quickly. She's getting close. I can feel her walls tightening around me. She gathers herself long enough to lean down against my ear and an almost inaudible "I want us to cum together." escapes ruby red lips. Slender pale fingers rub quick circles against my clit and i'm on the verge of seeing stars. I curl my fingers one last time. "Let go Cher." With that she wraps her free hand around my shoulders and buries her face in my neck. I bite ever so lightly on her pulse point to stifle the scream daring to rip it's way from my throat. It was there on stage at La Bonne Nuit that we fell apart and somehow fell back together. We stay there for awhile, arms draped around one another.

"We need to leave Cherry." "I suppose you're right T.T. Veronica won't exactly be thrilled if she comes back in the morning to find us asleep naked in her nightclub." "I don't think she's gonna be thrilled about anything that happened here." At this point we've managed to drag ourselves up making are way around the room to collect articles of clothing, getting dressed as we go. "Let's just not tell her." "Ah ha! I knew you were jealous when you saw us up here singing."

"Obviously. You've barely spent any time with me lately and imagine my surprise when I figure out that it's because you've been using The Poisons and work to avoid being in my house. You could have just told me you didn't want to live with me anymore babe." Am I that easy to read? Or is she more attentive than I give her credit for? "Yeah about that..." Before I can stammer out the words to try and explain she interrupts. "We can talk about it on the way home. I bought you a room at the Five Seasons for the week with the rent money you gave Nana Rose. That should give us enough time to figure out other living arrangements that don't involve us fighting everyday or you sleeping in some ragtag tent on the southside."

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