"Babe, you're soaking wet!"

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Toni woke up tangled in her silky red sheets of her and Cheryl's bed. Her eyes were still closed as the morning haziness slowly drifted away from her still body. She grasped to where her lovely counterpart would have been laying but nothing was there. Toni slowly opened her eyes to be met with an empty spot and a slight indentation in the mattress of where the redhead laid only a few hours ago, bare and asleep.

Toni sat up on her elbow and ran a hand through her hair. How it wasn't knotted or messy, Toni never knew. The red silk sheet slid down her bare body and settled atop her hip as she moved to Cheryl's side of the bed. There was a note on the pillow.

Gone out for a jog. I was going to wake you for breakfast but you just looked so peaceful sleeping there. Be back soon, ma cherie xx

God, that girl was perfect.

Toni collapsed back onto Cheryl's pillow and huffed in whatever scent was still left on it. Toni smiled and closed her eyes again before slowing slipping back to sleep.

She was only asleep for ten more minutes before she heard the front door open and close. Toni sleepily smiled again knowing that her girlfriend was home.

Then the footsteps up the stairs.

And finally the bedroom door opening and closing.

Toni opened her eyes and leaned on her elbows to watch her girlfriend only to notice that she was dripping wet.

Then she heard the storm outside.

"Holy shit," the Serpent suppressed a laugh, "babe, you're soaking wet."

"If you even let out that laugh, I'm going to kill you," she pointed a finger at her naked girlfriend.

This only made Toni want to laugh more. "I'm guessin' you didn't know it was gonna rain?"

"No, Toni," sarcastic as always, "I knew it was going to rain. I knew it was going to start pouring during my jog. I looked at the weather report and saw it was going to rain and I thought, oh! might as well go for a jog."

At this, Toni did chuckle. She tried to save herself but to no avail. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's just..." she went into another fit of giggles. "Babe, I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't good enough." Cheryl shook her head slightly as more water poured down her cheeks like she had just gotten out of the shower.

"What do you want from me?" Toni played with a wry smile.

"A hug." She widened her arms.

Toni pointed at her and quirked a brow. "No."

"Why not?" She pouted.

"'Cause you're all wet!"

"I've never heard you complain about that before." Cheryl smiled and Toni rolled her eyes. "Just one little hug."

"Get your ass away from me!"

The redhead persisted and began walking towards a poor, defenseless, dry, naked Toni in bed. At least she was laughing.

Even as the red hair swung around and stuck to Toni's face with a wet smack and the dripping-wet arms came around her, Toni was laughing.

"Baby! The sheets!" Toni squeaked but didn't even try to push her girlfriend away.

"Fuck the sheets. We have to wash them after last night anyway." She playfully winked.

Toni raised her brows and took Cheryl by the waist before flipping her over and crawling on top of her. The Serpent rested her hands on Cheryl's clothed stomach, still drenched in the rain.

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