'PG-13 grope fest'

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This is where Cheryl finds out 'bout Jughead's and Toni's lil session in the past...

Cheryl and Betty are in the common room at school waiting for their significant others to arrive. Cheryl painfully making her way through small talk with her cousin, willing Toni to arrive quicker.

She is zoning in and out of the conversation when one sentence piques her interest. "Yeah, cus you know Toni and Jug have a history so it's a lit-"

Cheryl halts her with a hand raised in the air, "Toni and Jughead have a what now?"

Betty stutters for a moment, opening and closing her mouth a few times . She didn't realise that Cheryl didn't know about Toni and Jughead's past. She is unsure of how to carry on this conversation.

"Cousin Betty please stop gaping like a fish and tell me what you meant bye Toni and Jughead having a history." Cheryl says with venom dripping from every word.

"Did Toni not tell you?" She receives a glare in reply. "Apparently not." Betty mumbles under her breath. "When me and Jug were on a break they had a, and I quote 'PG-13 grope fest' in Jugs trailer."

Cheryl's hand tightens on the arm of the chair she is sitting in, jaw clenching tightly. Now she was waiting for Toni to arrive for a different reason. How could she keep this from her. She is going to kill Jughead. How dare he touch her girlfriend. And how could Toni lie to her. She was in so much trouble.

"Cheryl?" Betty's voice breaks her from her internal monologue. "Are you okay? I thought Toni told you already. I'm sorry."

Cheryl's eyes flick to Betty's, "Nonsense Cousin Betty. This is hardly your fault. I'm glad someone told me."

"You know, this was before you knew each other. She really didn't do anything wrong." She shuts her mouth when she receives a vicious glare at her comment.

"Toni didn't tell me that they had a history. That's what she did wrong." Cheryl crosses her arms over her chest sitting back in her chair.

Toni and Jughead walk through the door to the common room together a few minutes later. Toni is laughing at something Jughead must have said. They approach their girlfriends, Jughead slumping down onto the sofa next to a quiet Betty, greeting her with a kiss to the cheek.

They note the rather tense atmosphere. Toni walks over to Cheryl sitting on the arm of the chair she is sitting on, leaning in for a quick kiss. Cheryl turns her head leaving Toni's lips to graze her cheek.

"Cher?" Toni asks a confused look on her face. "What's wrong?" She looks over to Betty for any sign of what is wrong with her anger looking girlfriend.

"Why don't you ask Jughead?" Cheryl knows it's petty but she's hurt that Toni wouldn't tell her what happened between them. As grateful as she is to her for telling her, she shouldn't have had to find out from Betty.

"What? Cher what's wrong? Are you mad? Did I do something wrong?" Toni turns her body to face Cheryl so she can see her face more easily.

Cheryl ignores her girlfriend choosing to glare at Jughead instead. "Uh Betty? What's wrong with Cheryl? Cus that glare is starting to freak me out." Jughead says leaning back in his seat to hide slightly behind Betty. Cheryl smirks at his apparent fear.

"Uhhh... I thought Toni had already told her. But I may have mentioned that you guys hooked up a while back."

"Yes we had a rather enlightening conversation." Cheryl finally breaks her glare and looks up at her girlfriend. "So nice of you to tell me about this 'grope fest' Antionette."

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