Office Hours Are Cancelled Today

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Pure smut so imma go and die😂😭

"Oh my GOD, Toni." Cheryl regains her breath, sitting up straight and wiping the insides of her kneecaps to get rid of the sweat.

Toni licks her lips. "Oh, I know."

"You're amazing," the woman says, re-buttoning her plaid skirt. "But you gotta stop surprising me like this. This is the third time I've had to cancel office hours this week."

Toni rolls her eyes. "What's the worst that could happen?" She gets off her knees and props herself against her lover's desk.

"My students could fail!" Cheryl tells her.

Toni shrugs. "But I get to get you off, so...can't be all that bad." She winks. "If you want, I'll give you a signal during class. Something to let you know you should cancel office hours ahead of time. So that you don't have to let your students down."

Cheryl narrows her eyes. "A signal? Like what?"

Toni hums. "What about I raise my left hand and tap the desk with my right? That sound okay, Professor Blossom?"

Cheryl groans. "You know I hate when you call me that. All it does is remind me how wrong this all is."

Toni takes a seat in Cheryl's wheely chair and spins around. "But how can it be so wrong...when I make you feel so right?"

Cheryl shudders and fixes her blouse. "Whatever, Toni. You better go, I have another class in ten minutes."


The next day, Toni takes her place in the back row of the classroom. Her eyes settle on Professor Blossom's cleanly pressed suit jacket and she smirks. Every student in the class probably creams their pants looking at her, but she is Toni's and only Toni's.

When Cheryl combs a hand through her red flames, Toni shifts uncomfortably in her seat, pulling her legs together tightly, images of the woman's hair in a mess as Toni presses her to the desktop. Toni gets Cheryl off in her office almost on the daily, but the redhead rarely reciprocates. Today would have to be one of the days where Toni signals her frustration to the professor.

About halfway through the lecture, Toni slowly raises her left arm in the air, making eye contact with the woman at the chalkboard and silently congratulating herself when Cheryl raises her eyebrows, cheeks flushed.

"I have a question, Professor Blossom," Toni starts smugly, using her right pointer finger to trace circles on the tabletop. "What time are your office hours today?"

Cheryl gulps, fumbling with the white chalk in her hand as she pictures Toni's hands fingering her in circles to completion. "Office hours are cancelled today," Cheryl says weakly. "My apologies, class."

"Bummer," Toni replies loudly, a glint in her eyes.

Cheryl coughs. "Yes, well, class dismissed." She packs her bag and walks back to her office.

Toni follows a moment later, closing the door behind her. "You hungry, babe?" Toni husks, walking over to Cheryl, who stands against her desk.

Cheryl nods. "I need you, Toni," she whines, reaching out to pull Toni into her.

"Shh, I know," Toni whispers, leaving wet kisses up and down Cheryl's neck and nipping lightly at her pulse point. "Just relax, babygirl."

Cheryl whimpers, her knuckles turning white as she grips the desk.

"Take a seat," Toni orders, motioning for her to sit behind the desk.

She complies, and Toni sits on her slowly, straddling her lap. Cheryl immediately runs her hands up Toni's body, humming in approval.

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