Why Is There A Hole In My Window

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Cheryl walks into Thistlehouse and instead of her usually sweet greeting from her girlfriend she is met with a cold draft and the sound of someone swearing repeatedly coming from the living room.

She follows the sound, walking through to the living room in an attempt to find her girlfriend. She finds Toni crouched down on the floor by the window, muttering away to herself with a dustpan and brush in her hands. She is brushing up broken glass.

Cheryl looks up at the window noting the, rather large, hole now in it. She pauses for a second, unsure of how to proceed. Toni still hasn't noticed her and continues to brush up the glass. She thinks about how best to approach Toni about the hole.

She settles with, "Baby, please tell me you can explain why there is a hole through the window?"

Toni startles at the sudden voice interrupting her mutterings. "Shit, babe. You scared me." She puts a hand on her chest. "What are you doing home so early? I thought you were gonna be out late with Kevin."

Cheryl crosses her arms over her chest, raising a single eyebrow at the crouching girl. "I was, but some sort of Fangs related activity came up and we decided to call it a night. Am I not supposed to be home yet, T.T? Got something to hide?" She gestures at the broken window.

Toni looks to the window and then up at Cheryl. She drops the brush and pan and stands quickly, brushing her hands off on her jeans. "What? No, of course not. That...uh," she points to the broken window, "That was an accident. And totally not my fault. Like at all."

"Uh huh." Cheryl looks at her suspiciously, narrowing her eyes slightly. "So that hole in the window just magically appeared? A freak accident that you had nothing to do with?" she questions.

Toni opens and closes her mouth a few times, not sure how she is going to talk her way out of this one. "Yeeees?"

Cheryl just looks at her blankly.

Toni looks back, willing herself not to crack. Her girlfriend is especially good at getting information out of her. She lasts about a minute before she sighs and gives in under the redhead's unyielding gaze.

She takes a breath, bracing herself for the inevitable telling off she is about to get. "So as you weren't home I thought I'd play some video games and then I found the Wii in the cupboard. And I remember how fun that tennis game is on it and I wanted to play cus I haven't in ages. And I know they tell you to put that little strap around your wrist but come on. It's uncomfortable and I went to go get snacks so I took it off. And long story short, I got super into the game and may or may not have, accidentally, thrown the controller through the window."

She takes a deep breath after her rushed explanation, looking at her girlfriend for a reaction. Her face is still stoic not giving anything away. Then Cheryl surprises her by bursting out laughing. She loses control, clutching her sides as she laughs hysterically.

"Babe," Toni says trying to get her to stop. "Come on, babe. It's really not that funny."

"Oh, T.T, it really is," Cheryl manages, through a laugh. "That is one of the funniest, most adorable things I've ever heard." She laughs again at the thought of the look on Toni's face when the window smashed.

"Baaabeee," Toni whines, "Stop laughing." She pouts, folding her arms in protest.

Cheryl's laughing dies down. She walks closer to Toni, rubbing her hands up and down the tops of her arms in comfort. "I'm sorry." Toni continues to pout and Cheryl leans in, stealing a quick peck in apology. "You have to admit it is rather amusing." She bends slightly to catch Toni's eye.

Toni lifts her eyes to look at the smiling girl in front of her. "I thought you were going to be so mad. I've been panicking since it happened."

Cheryl's hands come up to cup her face, "Oh, T.T. I'm so, so mad. But that doesn't stop it from being funny." She leans in stealing another quick kiss. "Savour that, baby, cus that's the last kiss you get until you fix that window." She winks at the pink haired girl before sauntering away, leaving her to the mess.

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