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Sending the text is the hardest thing Cheryl's ever done.

I'll be home about 5.30 so you can pick up the rest then

She doesn't add kisses. She doesn't delete their previous conversations. She just sends it and turns her phone off, ignoring the messages from everyone and curling up to go to sleep.


Her mother's been. Cheryl can smell her signature poignant perfume, and it almost makes her gag. She wonders why her mother was in her room and coughs, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, checking the time – 4.00, she can still sleep before Toni comes over, if she even comes. Cheryl reaches across to the ever-present glass of water on her nightstand and chugs it all, swallowing thickly before curling back up around her pillow – it still smells like Toni, she wants her so much – and letting her tears drift her into oblivion.


Toni's not sure why she's here. Sure, there's some of her stuff in Cheryl's room, but she's gone without belongings before, she could do it again.

A little part of her wants to see the redhead, longing for a fight, perhaps, or maybe for a make up so she can move back in off the streets. She takes a deep breath and pulls her key out, unlocking the door and then leaving it on the bench with a sense of finality.

"Cheryl?" She calls, to no answer. Maybe she invited her when she would be out. Maybe it was purposeful. She makes her way up the stairs in trepidation, a sense of unease settling over her as she realises Penelope's been here, and knocks gently on Cheryl's door before gently pushing it open. "Cheryl?" She asks again, and pokes her head around the door, unwillingly smiling softly at the sight of the redhead, fast asleep, her face peaceful but – tearstained?

She notices the box of her possessions near the door, a coldly scribbled 'Antoinette' written on a post-it adorning the box. She thinks about just grabbing it, taking it home and leaving right this instance, but Cheryl's asleep and she wants to say goodbye once and for all.

She makes her way stealthily over to the four poster bed, memories flooding her without warning.

'I love you.' 'I love you.'

'What do you want, night hag?'

'I'm coocoo bananas for you.'

Toni shakes her head, wiping hastily at her eyes. Why did they manage to break everything good about their relationship? Why had it had to end?

She sits gently on the very edge of the bed, looking down at Cheryl's peaceful face, allowing the tears to finally fall. The redhead doesn't move, and Toni has to withhold her sobs so she doesn't wake her ex lover, but they're there, ready to escape if only she allows it. She takes a moment of courage and reaches out to touch Cheryl's hand, and –

It's fucking icy. Deathly cold to the touch.

Details flood Toni's mind in an instant. Cheryl's breathing is shallow, her face paler than normal, her lips stained red from something other than lipstick.

"Cher," she says loudly. "Cheryl, wake up."

There's no response, and Toni's breathing quickens. "Cheryl. Cheryl!"

She grabs the redhead's phone and tries to unlock it, breathing a short-lived sigh of relief when she realises Cher's passcode is still Toni's birthday, and with trembling fingers tries to call 911.

"Hello, nine one one, how can we help?"

"My girlfriend," Toni stutters, not even thinking. "I think she's been poisoned."

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